Triads are statuesque portraits of divine trini-
ties. The trinity is a concept that embraces the
trilateral manifestation of a divine force. Among
the earliest triads were those of the ancient
Kemetians. The divine triads of ancient Kmt
were usually represented by a familial image of
a father, mother, and other familial relation that
might be female or male depending on the cus-
toms and particular history of the locale.
Because rulers were also considered divine, they
were often depicted in triads. Regardless of the
trinity’s membership, the central character was
often the father with the mother on the right and
the progeny on the left. These manifestations
were commonplace in the royal temple art of
ancient Nile Valley societies. With the resurrec-
tion of Kmt (called Egypt by the Greeks) and the
beginning of the Middle Kingdom, nobles and
professionals included statues of trinities in the
shrines dedicated to their journey to the next
Triads 671
A baobab tree in the northern region of Limpopo Province,South Africa.In Africa,the baobab tree features largely in fertility rites
and ancestor respect rituals.
Source: Elzbieta Sekowska/iStockphoto.