Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Nile Valley and,1: 121
as oldest African deity,1:119,1: 121
physical features of,1: 119
representation variations of,1: 121
Bete, 1:123
ancestral focused religion of,1: 123
artistic production tradition of,1: 123
creativity, harmony, fantasy, and myth
principles of,1: 123
geographic location of,1: 121
Lago Almighty Creator of,1: 123
masks and dance importance to,1: 123
Birds, 1:123–124
chicken traditions and,1: 124
elek of baga people and,1: 88
Heru, Horus symbols and,1: 313
human soul connection of,1: 124
Mende people and,1: 124
prophecy ability of,1: 124
sacrifices and,1: 123
Sopdo falcon war god and,2:623–624
Xhosa people and,1: 124
Yoruba people and,1: 123
See alsoPhoenix
Birth, 1:124–125
Bes ancient god, protector of women in
childbirth and,1: 120
caul birth membrane and,1:125,2: 530
ceremonies and activities of,1: 125
color symbolism and,1: 174
cowrie shells protection and,1: 182
east worldview orientation and,1: 135
gods dedicated to the process of,1: 125
as highest gift from God,1: 124
ire(good)vs. ibi(evil) and (Yoruba people),
1: 249
placental disposition rituals and,1: 125
pregnancy protections and,1:124–125
sacred mystery of,1: 124
seclusion of mother after,2:597–598
sunsum and,2: 637
taboos regarding,2: 646
transformation rites and rituals of,
1:125,2: 577
transmigration of ancestral souls
and,1: 125
Tutsi creation myth and,2: 676
types of births and,1: 125
Yoruba First Step Into the World ritual
and,2: 577

See alsoFamily rites; Fertility; Naming;
Placenta; Procreation; Umbilical cord
Black Consciousness (Garveyism),1: 200
Blessing, 1:126–127
calling on the divine to bestow good fortune
and,1: 126
fertility appeals and,1: 126
formalvs.informal blessings and,1: 126
spit, spitting and,2:634–635
Blood, 1:127–128
animal sacrifice and,1:127,2: 478
Bois Caiman rebellion and,1: 131
fertilizing the ground with,1: 127
lighting the fires Ogun ritual and,1: 127
menstrual blood powers and,1: 127
oaths sealed with,1: 127
ritual cleansing in a society and,1: 127
rituals of bloodthirst and,1: 127
shawabits replacement of human sacrifice
and,1: 127
as source of life,1: 127
Boats, 1:128–129
boat craft in,1: 128
carving of, from Tutankhamen tomb
and,1: 129
materials for building of,1: 128
Nile River and,1: 128
in rituals,1:128–129
Bobo, 1:129–130
agrarian economy of,1: 130
balanced pairs concept of,1: 130
decentralized consensual democracy
of,1: 130
geographic locations of,1:129–130
planting ritual of,1: 18
Wuro and Dwo God head pair of,1: 130
Bois Caiman, 1:130–132
blood ritual and,1: 131
Dutty Boukman and,1:131,1:319,2:527,
2:568,2: 691
Cécile Fatiman and,1:131,1:262–263,1:403,
2:568,2: 691
Haitian revolution of enslaved Africans and,
1:130,1:319,2:527,2:568,2: 691
Makandal and,1:131,1: 407
Marinette Bwa Chèch, Haitian Vodou deity
and,1: 131
as Petwo ceremony,2: 527
rebellion participants and,1: 131
Vodou in Haiti and Africa and,1:131–132

810 Index

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