Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

religion, psychology, black art, politics and,
1: 188
social, cultural, and political unity statement
of,1: 186
See alsoAfricism; Resistance to enslavement
Curse, 1:188–189
acceptance of the curse and,1: 189
credibility of curser and,1: 188
definition of,1: 188
punishment by using,2: 548
removal of,1: 189

Dagu, 1:191–192
absorption of other ethnic groups by,1: 191
Christian and Islam customs and,1: 191
geographic locations of,1: 191
matrilineal to patrilineal transition of,1: 191
retention of traditional customs by,1:191–192
Tunis region of Africa origin of,1: 191
Fon people of,1: 20
Ogun deity and,2:481–482
slave trade and,1: 197
Vodouism and,1: 197
See alsoBenin;Fon
Danbala Wedo, 1:192–193
Aida Wedo and,1:20–21,1:192,1:264,1:392,
1:404,1: 559
beneficent snake or serpent image of,1:192,
1:264,1:404,1:559,2:471,2: 534
Ezili Freda and,1: 192
“horse” person possession by,1:192–193
lost mystic world represented by,1: 192
lwa of power and eternity of life and,
1:392,2: 559
Mami Wata and,1: 404
as Mawu-Lisa offspring,1: 412
Nana Buluku and,1: 192
Obatala and,2: 471
origins of,1: 192
Baba Oseijaman and,2: 458
as patriarchal god of fertility and rainbows,
1:192,1:412,2: 559
potomitan “pillar in the middle” and,
1:394,2: 534
snake vèvè of,1:192,2: 686
Vodu in Haiti and,2: 697
white color symbolism and,1:192,2: 471
wisdom and rain associated with,1: 192
Yanvalou dance and,1:192,2: 733

Dance and song, 1:193–194
ancestor communication through,1: 193
blessings, peace and harmony focus of,1: 194
of Bulu people,1: 142
Chiwara dance and,1:163–164,1:164,1: 226
of Chokwe people,1: 167
cosmological orientation of community and,
drumming and,1: 193
of Ekoi people,1:233–234
elements of,1: 193
as form of storytelling,1: 193
Gule Wamkula “giant dance” of Chewa people
gwobonanj reclamation ritual and,1:296–297,
harvest festivals and,1: 305
humansvs.exterior forces struggle represented
by,1: 193
Kuminamayalspiritual transcendence and,
1: 371
of Luo people,1: 392
masks and,1: 193
Petwo ceremonies and,2: 527
Pocomania and,2: 531
rites of passage and,1: 194
of Saramacca people,2: 595
of Swazi people,2: 652
VoduVodu in New Orleans and,1: 378
of Winti religious rites,2: 723
Yanvalou Danbala Wedo dance and,1: 192
See alsoBata drums; Drum, the; Music;
The Dances of Africa(Huet and Savary),
2: 532
Dausi, 1:194–195
Bida serpent legend and,1:194–195
Garamantes history and,1: 194
Garama twin cities and,1: 194
oral historical and mythological dramas and,
1: 194
Davidson, Basil,1:xxix
Death, 1:195–196
age and circumstance importance in,
1:195,2: 578
Akan belief in transition to spiritual life
from,1: 69
Amokye guardian of the threshold of death
(Akan) and,1:41–43
Bamileke people and,1: 102

818 Index

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