Book of the Coming Forth by Day (The Book
of the Dead) and,1:137–138
collective danger of,1: 51
cults of the dead and,1: 48
desounen ritual of,1:196–197,2:698–699
family rites of,1: 260
Fon Vodun practice and,1: 195
food offerings and,1:272,1: 274
human and spiritual worlds separated by,1: 195
immortality, ancestors and,1:53,2:573,2: 574
Lovedu Rain-Queen becomes divine through
suicide and,1: 50
Nupe folktale regarding,2: 541
reincarnation and,1: 196
rituals of,1:195,2: 578
seclusion of widows after,2: 538
a separation represented by,1: 50
sunsum and,2: 637
taboos regarding,1:51,2:574,2: 646
transition to spiritual realm and,
1:195–196,2: 573
trees and,2: 670
Vodun Rites of Reclamation after death
and,2: 575
west worldview orientation and,1: 135
See alsoAncestors; Elders; Eternal life; Family
rites; Funeral; Suicide
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bakongo people of,2: 466
Baluba people of,1: 97
Bassa people of,1: 109
Boyoma Falls in,2: 709
kingship traditions of,1: 366
Lele people of,1: 379
Lugbara religion in,1: 386
names of God in,2:748–749
Teke people of,2: 651
Fon cosmology and,1: 197
gwobonanjandtibonanjreclamation ritual
Destiny, 1:197–199
ability to change and,1:198,1: 199
African themes of,1:198–199
Akan perspectives on,1:197–199
definition of,1: 197
nkrabeaconcept and,1: 198
Ogboinba magic and,2:726–727
Woyengi goddess of destiny and,2: 726
Yoruba perspectives on,1:198–199
Diaspora, 1:199–201
African American Christian denominations
and,1: 201
African American leaders and movements
and,1: 200
blood rites and,1: 132
Bois Caiman and,1:130–132
color symbolism and,1:173–174
concept background and,1: 200
Convince form of African religion and,1: 177
cowrie shells and,1:183–184
cultural relocation and,1: 187
definition of,1:199–200
drums importance and,1:222–223
enslaved Africans and,1: 200
enslaved Muslims and,1: 201
Ethiopianism precursor to Rastafarianism
and,1: 200
European colonialization and,1: 200
foods significance to,1:272,1: 274
forced and voluntary dispersion and,1: 200
Goddesses and,1:293,1: 295
historical perspective regarding,1: 200
Ifa and,1: 329
Jews exile example of,1: 200
number 7 symbolism and,2: 611
Obatala and,2: 471
Olokun worship and,2: 490
red symbolism and,2: 565
religion affected by,1: 201
white symbolism and,2: 716
Dieterlen, Germaine,1:213,1:216,1:217,1: 218
Dinizulu, Nana,2: 458
Dinka, 1:201–203
Abuk and creation story of,1:5–6
Aiwel founder of speermasters and,1:22,2: 630
boy who emerged from a stone story of,2: 581
cattle centered culture of,1:201,1: 202
childless people and,1: 202
female infants and,1:202–203
initiation rites of,1: 203
marriage and family of,1:202–203
nonhierarchical social structure of,1: 202
social structure and lifestyle of,1: 202
spiritual causative agents of disease and,1: 414
use of cow’s body and,1:201–202
wet and dry seasons and,1: 202
Diola, 1:203–204
Bakin spirits of,1: 204
Duala people and,1: 223
Index 819