Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Egyptian origins of,1: 339
Pyramid and Coffin Texts and,1: 338
Incense, 1:340–341
as breath of eternal life,1: 340
burials and,1: 340
frankincense, myrrh, almond, and cedar as,
1:341,2: 675
historical background of,1: 340
illustrations of,1:340–341
mind and spirit elevated by,1: 340
New Age aromatherapy and,1:341,2: 675
worship use of,1:340–341
Infertility, 1:341–342
homosexuality taboo and,1: 342
rituals regarding,1: 342
as a terrible curse,1: 341
Initiation, 1:342–344
age groups and,1: 17
of Akamba people,1: 23
of Asante people,1:343–344
of Babalawo Ilfa priesthood,1: 86
Bakôngo kindezi system and,1: 344
of Bamana people,2: 444
Bemba women pot making and,1: 171
Candomblé and,1: 153
of Chewa people,1: 160
circumcision and identity marking and,1:168,
1:343,2: 577
collective culture transmission and community
survival,1: 342
The Dances of Africa(Huet and Savary) and,
2: 532
of Dinka people,1: 203
into divination training,1:207,1: 417
of Dogon people,1: 343
education and seclusion and,1:342–343,
2:546,2:577,2: 621
of Ekpo secret society,1: 235
of Gola people,1: 296
of hounsi,1: 319
of Jola people,1:354–355
Mwiriinitiation society of Okande people and,
of Neur people,2: 461
Ngondo Festival of Duala people and,1: 224
of Pedi people,2: 521
Poro(young men) andBondo(young women)
societies and,1:133–135,1:409,1:423,
ritualistic death and rebirth process of,2: 621

Shango initiation ceremonies and,1: 82
Societies of Secrets, priesthood rites of passage
trees and,2: 670
of Uhavenda people,2:463–464
of Vai people,2:685–686
of Vodu Mambos,1:402–403
of Vondunsi follower of Vodun religion,
of Xhosa people,2: 730
See alsoDyow initiations; Ekpo secret society;
Intermediaries, 1:344–345
cosmotheandric nature of religion and,1: 345
Luba religious tradition example and,1: 345
to preserve sanctity and majesty of God,1: 345
International African Institute of London,1: 13
Invocations, 1:345–346
AkanNyameand,1: 346
of ancestors,1:345,1: 346
of divinitiesvs.Supreme God,1:345–346
higher power focus of,1: 345
of Lugbara people,1:387–388
prayers and,1: 346
spiritual places and,1: 346
Anubis’s mother as twin sister to,1: 61
Apuleius written account of,1: 67
Greek and Roman worship of,1:67–68
names of,1: 68
suckling the infant Horus and,1:80,1:294,1: 314
See alsoAuset(Isis)
African cosmology and,1: 180
Akan people and,1: 24
Amen and,1: 37
Baganda people and,1: 80
Bamana people and,1: 225
Bamun people and,1: 103
Bariba people and,1: 107
Bassa people and,1: 109
Baya people and,1: 116
Beja people and,1:117–118
in Benin,2: 694
of Buguda people,1: 140
circumcision and,1: 167
Dagu people and,1: 191
death rituals and,1: 195
Dinka people and,1: 203
Dioula people and,1: 204

Index 831
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