fishing economy indications in,1: 369
geographic location of,1: 369
religious implications of,1: 370
a rich culture and,1:369–370
Klingenheben, A.,2: 685
Kony, Joseph,1: 299
Koromanti.SeeMaroon communities
Kubik, Gerhard,2: 621
Kujichagulia“self-determination” principle,1: 11
Kumina, 1:370–372
drumming importance and,1: 371
historical context of,1: 371
mayalspiritual transcendence and,1: 371
Nanny, Queen Mother of the Maroons
and,1: 371
Parish of St. Thomas, Jamaica location
of,1: 370
prophesizing and,1: 371
ritual ceremonies of,1: 371
zombiancestral spirit veneration and,
Kurumba, 1:372
agricultural economy of,1: 372
ancestral veneration of,1: 372
clan lineage of,1: 372
Dogon and Bamana influence on,1: 372
geographic location of,1: 372
Kwa Ba(Akua’ba),1:373
communal values and,1: 373
depiction of,1: 373
mother role and,1: 373
as primal mother of all people,1: 373
Kwami, Robert,1: 235
Lakes, 1:375–376
Bubembe and,1:139–140
danger, mystery, mythical creatures, spirits
and,1: 375
Lake Bamblime, Cameroon and,1:xxix
Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana and,1:xxix
man-made sacred lakes and,1: 376
motherhood and,1: 375
Nalubaale (Victoria) “mother of Gods”
and,1: 375
Nzambi Mpungu story and,2:466–467
ta-kenset,Nile Valley, placenta land and,1: 375
Lam, Moussa,2: 527
Laveau, Marie, 1:376–379
Leaf (Mother) Anderson and,1:378–379
ceremonies and activities and,1: 378
conjurers, “root work” and,1: 377
Hoodoo and,1:316,1: 317
hoodoo misconceptions and,1: 377
life in New Orleans of,1: 376
rivals of,1: 378
as Vodu queen of New Orleans,1:376,1:377–378
vodu survival and,1:378–379
VoduVodu in New Orleansvs.Haiti,
Legba.SeeEsu, Elegba(Legba)
Lele, 1:379–380
fertility, hunting, fish, bananas legends
and,1: 379
forest importance to,1: 379
geographic location of,1: 379
mingehespirits and,1: 379
pregnancy food taboos of,1:265,2: 538
Bassa people of,1: 109
Gola people of,1: 295
Igbo people of,1: 333
Mende people of,1:422,2: 449
Vai people of,2: 685
Lightning, 1:380–382
African lightning strikes and,1: 380
Banyaranda people and,1: 382
religious explanation of,1:380,1: 382
Shango, Yoruba thunder and lightning deity
and,1:380,1:381,1: 382
See alsoShango(Sango)
Lobi, 1:382–383
agricultural economy of,1: 382
Bateba religious objects, carvings and,1: 383
community rituals of,1: 383
geographic location of,1: 382
religious beliefs of,1:382–383
Tangba You,supreme God of,1: 382
Thilaspirits of,1:382–383
thildardiviner and,1:382–383
worship practices of,1: 383
Lomwe, 1:383–384
geographic locations of,1: 383
matriarchal lineage of,1: 384
religious beliefs of,1: 384
weather and climate factors and,1: 384
Lord’s Resistance army,1: 299
L’Ouverture, Toussaint,1:408,2:482,2: 568
Lovedu, 1:384–386
agriculture and cattle economy of,1: 384
ancestor veneration of,1: 385
834 Index