blessing offerings of,1: 126
creation story of,1:384–385
dithugula ritual objects of,1: 385
geographic location of,1: 384
moral values of,1:385–386
rain, rain making importance to,
the Rain Queen (modjadji) and,
1:50,1:385,2:560,2: 563
sacredness of musical instruments and,1: 435
vungagamedicine and magic power and,1: 385
witchcraft feared by,1: 385
Lubaale (Baganda Pantheon),1: 13
Lugbara, 1:386–390
abego shrine of,1: 390
A’bi vs. Oriancestor types and,1: 387
Adroa creation story of,1: 386
ancestor veneration and,1:386–390
anguvuachildless ancestors of,1: 389
animal sacrifices and,1: 387
collective shrines and,1: 389
external lineage shrines of,1: 390
geographic location of,1: 386
God as being “near” and “far away” concept
invocation range and,1: 388
matrilineal shrines of,1: 390
Olero vs. Orikainvocations and,1:387–388
Orily vengeance and,1:388–389
religious beliefs of,1:386–387
shrines and their associated status,1: 390
spiritual causative agents of disease and,1: 414
tali shrine and,1:389–390
twin first human beings and,1: 386
Lugira, Aloysius M.,1: 11
Luo, 1:390–392
Acholi people and,1: 299
agricultural and pastoral economy of,1: 391
British influence on,1: 391
death taboo of,2: 574
geographic location, origin, and migration of,
historical background of,1: 391
initiation traditions of,1: 391
juoginaming ceremony of,1: 391
music importance to,1: 392
religious beliefs of,1:391–392
sterility and infertility causes of divorce and,
1: 411
Lwa, 1:392–395
Aida Wedo and,1:20–21,1:559,2: 559
blessing offerings to,1: 126
Bondye Supreme Being and,1: 136
coincidentia oppositorumcharacteristic
of,2: 697
Congo Vodou spirits and,1: 283
Ginen residence place of,1: 283
Haitian Vodou spirits and,1:115,1: 283
hierarchy of,1:392,1: 394
Houngan and,1: 318
hounsi and,1:319–320
human servants to,1: 394
as intermediary between God and
humans,1: 136
lwa Gede and,1:115,1: 283
Mambo and,1:402,1: 403
mayai mistik(“mystic marriage”) to,
offerings to,1: 393
oumfò Vodu temple and,1: 394
potomitan as axis of spiritual world and,2: 534
Rada and Petwo pantheons of,1: 392
vèvè and,2:686–688
Vilokan mythological abode of,2:688–689
Vodu ceremonies and,1: 394
Vodu in Haiti and,2: 697
Vodun deities’ nanchons (nations) and,1: 132
Vodu secondary figures of,1: 392
worship of,1: 394
See alsoAgwe; Ezili Dantò; Ezili Freda; Petwo;
Rada; Vodou in Haiti
Maasai, 1:397–398
Akamba people and,1: 23
blessing offerings of,1: 126
cattle importance to,1:397–398,2:447,
2:546,2: 572
circumcision practiced by,1:169,1: 259
creation story of,1: 397
Eunoto puberty ceremony of,2:546–547,
2: 572
geographic location, origins and migration of,
1:397,2: 447
God as Mother concept of,1: 288
grass religious significance to,1: 397
Laibonidiviners and,1: 398
Ngaiandrogynous supreme God of,1: 397
oretitree and,1: 397
serpent attributes and,2: 608
Index 835