Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition

(Ann) #1
De Gaulle, C. 144, 161
De Jouvenal, B. 4, 5, 210
De Maistre see Maistre, Compte De
De Tocqueville, Alexis 9
debt moratorium 236
decentralised systems 158
decision-making mechanisms:
choice of 210–1; federalism,
devolution and decentralisation
155–9; market 212–5; voluntary
co-operation 215–7 see also
‘deep ecology’ 86
degree courses 247
deism 61
democracy170–208, 139–41;
facade democracy 148; forms
of representative democracy
142–6; liberal democratic states,
numbers of 139; obedience to
state in 54–5; pluralism 114–7;
quasi-democracy 148; republican
regimes 137; US constitution
and 90, 180, 181, 182; welfare
state, market and 139–41;
see alsoChristian democracy
democratic centralism78, 145
Derbyshire, I. & J. 143, 144
deterritorialization 46
Deutsch, K. 15
developing countries see‘South’
Dicey, A.V. 63, 183
dictatorship of the proletariat
Diggers 82
direct democracy171–3
Disraeli, B. 93
Distribution: market decision-
making 210–11; social policy
234–6 see alsojustice and
divine right of kings 74
Djilas, M. 80
Dobu (of New Guinea) 52
Doctors, representation of 196
dominance 112–4
Dowse, R.E. 16, 146

‘dual executive’ (EU) 161 see also
hybrid systems
Duvalier, President 149
dynastic politics 34–5, 149

Eastern Europe 78, 145; fall of
communism 123 see also
Communist Bloc
Easton, D. 4, 17, 106
Eberhard, W. 36
Ecole National d’Administration
(ENA) 184–5
‘economists’ 17
economy 232
Edelman, M. 226
Edwards, L. 120
effectiveness 232
efficiency 232
Egypt 155
elections 173–5: communication and
political parties 189–93
electronic referenda 172, 203
elite theory57, 114–7
empires 36–8: and race 110
ENA see Ecole National
energy resources 128
Engels, F. 65, 76, 78, 89
English Civil War 50, 118
environment: & political radicalism
equality62–3; & liberalism 91;
socialism 97–9
ethnic cleansing 2
ethnicity107–12; dominance,
assimilation and social pluralism
Etzioni, A 99
Europe 38: Christian democracy in
95–7; feudal 31–3
European Constitutional
Convention 164
European Court of Human Rights
European Declaration of Human
Rights 184


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