Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition

(Ann) #1

European Economic Community
(EEC) 159–60 see alsoEuropean
European Organisation for Nuclear
Research (CERN) 159
European Parliamentary Union 159
European Union 42, 159–64;
Commission 161; corporatism
in 186–7; Council of Ministers
161–2; Court of Justice 162; dual
executive 162; Exchange Rate
Mechanism (ERM) 161; future
163–4; Parliament 162, 163;
single currency in 161;
subsidiarity 157; three pillars
of 162 see alsounder individual
evaluation of public policy 232–4
Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
seeEuropean Union
executive 143, 144, 175–6;
definition of 175; France 144;
rule making by 176; UK 177;
USA 176–7
experts, scientific/technical 126
Eysenck, H. 51

family: government by 34–5
fascism 74–6
federal systems158–9
feminism,radical 10, 21, 86–9
Firestone, S. 89
Five Giants 92, 141
‘floating voter’ 125
Fogarty, M.P. 96
Foucault, M. 22
France: colonialism 38, 113; Council
of State and ENA 184–5;
‘creeping Americanisation’ 45;
Declaration of the Rights of Man
61, 182; electoral system 174;
European Union 160; First
National Assembly 71, 145;
Louis XIV and Church 33; Paris
1968 80; regional identities 38–9;
Resistance 122; Revolution 61,

120: sovereignty 39; statist
approach 213; universal suffrage
freedom/liberty64–5, 90; four
freedoms 141; see also
French Revolution 61, 118, 124
Friedman, M.& R. 95
Friedrich, C. 150
Frissen, P. 186
Fudge, C. 226
Fulani (of Northern Nigeria) 28
functionalist approach10, 15–6, 20
fundamentalism 81–4; Christian 82;
Islamic 82–4, see alsoWahhabist

Gadahfi, Colonel seeal-Gadahfi,
Gaebler, T. 236
‘Gaia hypothesis’ 85
game theory5–6
Gandhi, M.K. 130
Gbadamosi, T.G.O. 83
Germany 43, 44; CDU 96;
communitarianism 99; electoral
system 174; European Union
163; Nazism 74–6, 150, 151;
statist approach 213
Gerth, H. 5, 27, 37, 56, 218
Gettysburg address 170
Ghana 146
Gibbins, J. 22
globalisation 42–7
Gluckman, M. 28
Goldman, E. 53, 89
Gorovitz, S. 59
government: autocratic 146–50;
democratic forms of 142–6;
impact on everyday life 1–3;
Islamic 153–5; levels 155–9;
military 146–8; Nazi 151–2;
Soviet 152–3; and state 38–9
see alsostate
Gramsci, A. 79
Greece: classical 138, 171–2;
European Union 160

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