Green, T.H. 91
green movement 84–6
Greenleaf, W.H. 82
Greenpeace 197, 239
‘groupuscules’ 80
Guatamala 43
Gunn, L.A. 220, 224
Haiti 149
Hamilton, A. 118
Hansard 243
Hattersley, R. 67
Hausa kingdoms 35
Havel, Vaclau 138
Haworth (Yorks.) 107
Hayek, E. A. 94
Hegel, G.W. 64, 75, 77
Heidegger, M. 64
Hindu 103–4, 110
historical dialectic77, 124
Hitler, A. 74–6, 150, 151
Ho Chi Minh 78
Hobbes, T. 50, 51, 55, 61, 64
Hobhouse, L. 91
Hogwood, B.W. 220, 224
Holocaust 75–6, 112
Holy Roman Empire 32
‘homelands’ 112
Hood, C. 225
House of Commons 178
House of Lords 178
Hoxha, E. 78
human rights61–2
Hussein, Saddam 149
Hungary 160
hybrid systems142, 144
Idealists, English 91
Identity103 :development of 103–5;
ethnic 110–12; political103;
national 38; racial 110–12
ideology69–71; end of 99;
radicalism and 81
implementation,policy 225–8; local
management 228–9
incrementalism 222–4
independence 145–6
Independent Commission on
International Development
seeBrandt Report
India 104, 109
individual political action 238–9
individualism: vs collectivism 5,
60–1, 72; decision-making
mechanism 210–1, 213–5;
‘rational choice’ theorists 17
Indonesia 43, 88
Information Polity 125–9
information technology:
democracy 172 globalisation 43;
post-industrial politics 125–29
see alsoInternet
Inkatha 103
institutional approach 10, 11–2
Institutional Revolutionary Party
(PRI – Mexico) 104
integration, racial and ethnic
interest groups195–9, 215–7
Intermediate Range Ballistic
Missiles (IRBM) 220
international institutions 41–2
international poverty line 235
international law 40
international politics 40–1
International Standards
Organisation (ISO) 42
International Telecommunications
Union (ITU) 42
International Working Men’s
Association 77
Internet 13, 128, 172, 202–4,
interorganisational bargaining
Iran 154–5
Iraq 148 Anglo-American Invasion
of 41, 121, 161
Ireland 175, 179; Northern Ireland
(Ulster) 34, 109, 155
Irving, R.E.M. 96
Islam: fundamentalism 82–4;
political appeal 82; Islamic