government153–5; Koran 82,
83, 153, 154; madrasas (Islamic
schools) 123; Sh’ite 153–4;
Sunni 153–4; Taliban 154;
Ummat (community of the
faithful) 83, 153; Wahhabist
123, 154; zakat 153 see also
Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, Brunei,
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and
Saudi Arabia
Israel 109, 174, 181
Italy 75, 166
Jamaica 43
Jan Sangh 103–4
Janus 7
Japan 43, 44
Jennings, Sir I. 185
Jewry, European 112
Jodice, D. 14
Johnson, N. 141
Jones, M.A. 111
Jordan 154
judicial review112, 180
judiciary179–81: and common
law 180; and napoleonic
tradition 180–1 see alsejudicial
justice 57–60
Kalahari 28
Keynes, J.M. 92
Khomeini, Ayatollah 83
Kim-Il-Sung, President 149
kingdoms 33–5, 72–4, 176
kings, divine right of 74
kleptocracy 131
Knight, B. 217
nights 31
knowledge workers 126
Koran 82, 154
Korea, North 139, 149
Kosovo 109
Kropotkin, Prince P. 53
Kuhn, T. 19
!Kung 28
Kuwait 35
Labour Party 97–9, 99–101, 191–2
Labour Representative Committee
(LRC) 97
Lancashire 108
Lasswell, H. 5–6
Latin America 130 : civil autocracies
149; coups 123; military
government 146–7 see also
Brazil etc
law: authority and 54–5; common
180; feudal 31–2; justice 57;
state as institutionalisation of
law 54–5; tribal societies 28–9
league tables, school 233–4
Lees-Marshment, J. 194
Left, the 71–2, 80, 97–9: classifying
71–2; human nature 51
legal rights 61–2, 182–5
legislation 177–9; European Union
legislature 142–5, 177–9: bicameral
179; budgetary process 178;
government and 142–5; social
composition 179; soviet 145, 152;
staffing of 178
legitimacy 38–9, 41. 56, 62, 72, 96,
98, 120, 156–7, 171, 175, 176,
185, 204, 216
LeGrand, J. 63, 236
LeMarchand, R. 34
Lenin, V. I. 50, 77–8, 120
Leninism 77–9
Leo XIII, Pope 157
Levellers 82
Liberal (Democratic) Party (UK) 90,
99, 175, 192
liberal democratic states see
Liberal Party (NY) 90
liberal social policy 235
liberalism 70, 89–92, 71; obedience
to state 54; Thatcherism 95
Libya 149
‘light anthropocentric’ ecology 85
Lincoln, A. 170
Lindblom, C.E. 219, 222, 226
Lipset, S.M. 146