nation-states38–9: globalisation
42–7; relations between 40–1;
sovereignty 39
National Association of Citizen’s
Advice Bureau 217
National Health Service (NHS) 67,
216, 230, 236
national interest 40
National Rifle Association 217
National Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
national will 39
nationalism84, 107–110 see also
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation) 42, 156
natural rights 61–2
nazism 74–6, 150, 151–2
negative freedom64–5
negative income tax 235
neo-conservatism 94–5
Nepal 35
Netherlands: local policy networks
186; multinationals 44
Nettl, P. 16
Neustadt, R.E. 227
New York 108
New Zealand 38, 181
newly independent states 145–6
newspapers 200–2, 242
NICs (Newly Industrialised
Countries) 131 see also South
Korea, Singapore, Malaysia,
Taiwan etc
Nietzsche, F W. 51,75
Nigeria: civil war 147; Kingdoms of
33–4; military government in
147; ‘Native Administration’
164; National identity and
ethnicity 39; Nigerian National
Democratic Party 104; Tiv 28–30
NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) 86
Nkrumah, K. 146
Nixon, R. 176, 198
Norris, P. 8
‘North’ vs ‘South’ 129–32
Northern Ireland 34, 109, 145, 155;
Real IRA 122
Oakeshott, M. 94
obedience to state 54–5
ombudsman 184
on-line data-bases 245
‘One Nation’ conservatism 93
oneparty systems145–6; local 166
see also nazi government, soviet
Open University 244
opinion polls 202
‘optimising’ behaviour 222
organisational politics220–4
organisational process model 222
Orwell, G. 79, 97
Osborne, D. 230
Oxfam 217
Pahl, R.E. 187
Palestine 122
panArabism 84
Papua New Guinea 27
Pareto, V. 7, 114, 115, 119
Parkinson, C.N. 221
Parliamentary Commissioner for
Administration (Ombudsman)
parliamentary systems 142–3,
parliamentary papers 243–4
Parsons, T. 5, 16, 131
participation 171–3, 238–9
parties seepolitical parties
Partido Revolucionari Institucional
(PRI) (Mexico) 102, 149
patronage 35
‘perfect implementation’ 227
performance indicators232–4
permanent campaign 194–5
personality, cult of 78, 150
persuasive definitions 66
Peters, R.S. 63
piecemeal social engineering 79
planning, centralised 212–3