Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition

(Ann) #1
Plato 1, 7, 65; feminism 86: justice
plebiscite 172
Plessey versus Ferguson (1896) 112,
pluralism: accelerated 116, 238,
political 10, 20, 114–7, 185–6,
190, 204, social 112–4
Poland 31, 160
policies, public 209–40 :distribution
of wealth and income 234–6;
implementation of public
policy 225–8; incrementalisn
222–4; managing local 222–3;
performance indicators
230–4; process 185–7; rational
policy-making 217–220
political action, individual 238–9
politics associations 248
political bargaining model 222–3
political change117–132: causes
118; class conflict in twenty-first
century 123–5; coups d’etat and
revolutions 120–1; European
Union 159–64; globalisation
42–7; ‘North’ vs ‘South 129–32;
postindustrial politics 125–9
political communication see
political identity seeidentity
political instability 130–1
political marketing 193–4
political parties 191–3, 103–4; local
party systems 166
political pluralism 10, 20, 114–7,
185–6, 190, 204
political science 12–7
political systems 15–7, 26–49
political theory 11, 50–68
politics:approaches to studying
7–23; defining 3–7; in everyday
life 1–3; courses 247; curricula 8
Popper, K 15, 18, 58: ideology 69, 70
populism 171
Portugal 43, 160
positive freedom64–5
postindustrial politics125–129

postmodernism 22–3
power:authority and 56–7; balance
of 40; defining 4–5; fractionated
pragmatism 81, 99
presidential systems142–5
Press Complaints Commission 201
Pressman, M. 226
pressure groups 195–7, 216–7
PRI see Institutional Revolutionary
privatisation 230–1, 233
process issues 133
professional groups 196
profit motive 20, 214
proletarian revolution 20, 124
proletariat 20, 124–5; dictatorship
of 78
proportional representation 174–5
Proudhon, P.L. 53
public opinion 202
public sector pay 233
Pye, L.C. 105

QUANGO 2, 196, 230
Quebec 109

Race110–2: dominance,
assimilation and social pluralism
112–4; Nazism 75–6, South
Africa 76, 113
radical criticism 8–9, 19–23
radical feminism 21, 86–9
radical theism 81–4
radicalism 81; ecology as 84–6;
Thatcherism, as 94–5
radio 197, 199
Rae, D.W. 174
rational choice theory 17
rational legal authority 56
rational policy-making217–20;
problems of 220–1
Rawls, J. 57–60
readings (in legislative process)
Reagan, R. 35, 95
Real IRA 122


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