social democracy 97–9
social market 211
social pluralism 112–4
social policy: distribution of wealth
and income 234–6; and equality
social rights 62
social science 8–9, 12–15 see also
polical science
socialisation, political15, 104–7
socialism 69, 70,97–9
socialist; social policy 235
countries; third world) 83;
‘North’ vs 129–32
South Africa 38, 56, 76, 113, 122,
South America seeLatin America
South Korea 131
sovereignty 39, 74
Soviet Union 78, 152–3, 159:
centralised planning 212–3;
communism 77–9; Communist
Party of the Soviet Union
(CPSU) 78, 152; government of
152–3; one-party democracy
150; revolution 120, 123–5 see
alsocommunist bloc, Russia
Spain; joins EC 160; monarchy 74
‘spin’ and political marketing 193–4
SS (Black Shirts) 151
Stalin 77–8, 120
state212: classification 136–9;
definition 27; liberalism and
90–1; models of 18; nation-states
38–9; necessity of 52–4;
obedience to 54–5; politics
without 26–31; states without
nations 36–8
stereotyping 104
Stiglitz, J. 46
‘stipulative’ definitions 66
subsidiarity 157–1, 160, 167–8
substantive criteria 231
Sudan 42
Suffian, T.M. 112
suffrage movement 87
Sweden 33, 184, 198
Switzerland 96,114, 144, 172
systems 16, 26–7: approach 16–7
Taiwan 131
Tajfel, H. 104
Taliban 154, 155
Tansey, S.D. 10, 44, 142, 203, 228
Tanzania 146
Tasmania 38
Tawney, R.H. 82
taxation; redistributive effects
Taylor, C.L. 14
technology: economic resources for
research and development 163;
impact on future 127; experts
125–6; and totalitarianism 150;
transfer 132 see alsoinformation
teledemocracy 171
television 193, 199–201, 244
territory 28, 31
terror 121–3, 149–51; war on 22
terrorism 22, 121–3
Thatcher, M. 95, 187
Thatcherism : as radicalism 94–5
theism, radical 81–4
theories 18–19
Third Way 99–101, 188–9
‘Three Pillars’ (EU) 162
title societies seesecret societies
Tiv society 28–30
Tocqueville, A. de 9
Tontons Macoute (Haiti) 149
Tolstoy, L. 51
top-down policy making 226
totalitarian states/totalitarianism
136–7, 150–3
trade unions 96, 186–7, 195–6, 233
traditional scholarship 8, 9–12
triangular trade, 110
tribal societies 27–31
Trotsky, L. 80
TSO (The Stationary Office)
publications 243