These writers saw the rise of democracy as the major political
development of their time and sought to analyse not only the idea,
but also its contemporary manifestations in different countries, and
to suggest improvements and accommodations with the emerging
reality of democratic government.
Serious writers on politics now tend to be university lecturers, who
have to have specialist interests and lists of articles in professional
journals and/or monographs published by respectable academic
publishers. They tend now to adopt a much more limited conception
Table 1.1 Major contemporary approaches to politics
Traditional Social science Radical
Task Piecemeal explanation Science of politics Radical social change
Methods Descriptive, historical, Quantitative or Ideological criticism
philosophical analysis theorising illustrated
Values Liberal democratic Pro-US democracy Anti-establishment
and ‘development’
Level of Political, philosophical, Political and social Multi-level
analysis psychological
Scope Individual institutions USA or area studies Global and historical
or countries
Content Constitutional Pluralism Class/gender/species
consensus disturbed conflict
by cataclysmic events
Schools (a) Liberal- (a) Functionalist (a) Marxist
institutional (b) Economic (b) Feminist
(b) Historical (c) Systems (c) Ecologist
(c) Philosophical (d) Religious
(e) Postmodernist
Typical Constitutional Political Contradiction,
concepts convention, culture, patriarchy, jihad
great man market,
Source: Adapted from Tansey (1973)