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these classes is Rs 600 and an observation-class
seat in either direction is Rs 1000.
% 036
Kitulgala is the adrenalin-sports capital of
Sri Lanka. For the moment most visitors are
the young and energetic of Colombo, but
more and more foreign visitors are start-
ing to discover the delights of white-water
rafting, jungle trekking, birdwatching and
cave exploration.
The town’s other main claim to fame is that
David Lean filmed his 1957 Oscar-winning
epic Bridge on the River Kwai here. You can
walk down a pathway to the filming site along
the banks of the Kelaniya Ganga. The path-
way is signposted on the main road, about
1km from Plantation Hotel in the direction
of Adam’s Peak. It is virtually impossible to
head down the path without attracting an en-
tourage of ‘guides’ who expect a few rupees
for their troubles. If you know the film you’ll
recognise some of the places. Apparently the
actual railway carriages used in the movie
now lie at the bottom of the river, after being
sunk in an explosive conclusion. You’ll have to
bring your own scuba gear if you want a look.
A few kilometres from Kitulgala is a large
cave system where the 28,500-year-old
remains of early humans were discovered.
Many hotels in the area can arrange a guide
to the caves.
2 Activities
White-Water Rafting
The Kelaniya Ganga, the river that runs
through Kitulgala, offers the best white-water
rafting in Sri Lanka. The typical trip takes in
seven Class 2–3 rapids in 7km for US$30 per
person, including transport and lunch. You’ll
be on the water for around two hours. Ex-
perienced rafters can opt for more difficult
Class 4–5 rapids by special arrangement.
Almost every hotel can organise a rafting
trip or there are several activity centres along
the main road. All offer pretty much the same
package for the same price. However not all
of these places have insurance – ask to see
their papers first.
The sheer hills surrounding Kitulgala are
covered in dense forest and the area makes
for some decent, but quite strenuous, jun-
gle hikes. You will need a guide, good foot-
wear, waterproofs and leech repellent. Most
hotels can arrange a guide and suggest a
suitable route; Channa Perera at Rafter’s
Retreat is the most experienced ‘jungle
man’ in the area and is knowledgeable on
the local flora and fauna. A half-day trek
costs around US$15.
The area is famous for birdwatching – 23 of
Sri Lanka’s 27 endemic bird species inhab-
it the surrounding forest. Rafter’s Retreat
(p165) has the best ornithological guides. A
half-day of birdwatching is around US$15.
4 leeping & EatingS
Rafter’s Retreat HUT $$
(%031-228 7598;; s /d
incl half-board US$70/85; W) This old colonial
bungalow serves as the hub for this rafting
and birdwatching outfit that sprawls along
the riverbank. The 10 ecofriendly, but slight-
ly overpriced riverside cottages are basic but
very private, and three rooms near the old
house are clean and spacious with unbeliev-
ably high ceilings.
The breezy riverside restaurant is a great
place for a few beers, and the food is excel-
lent. The jovial owner Channa can organise
all manner of tours and activities.
oRoyal River Resort BOUTiQUE HOTEl $$$
(Plantation Resort; %011-273 2755; http://www.plantation; Eduru Ella; s/d incl half-board Rs
10,650/12,900; as) Tucked away in a haze
of jungle and tea estates, 6km from Kitulga-
la, this place is fantastically secluded. It has
four old-fashioned (but actually new) timber
cottages built around, onto and into a series
of boulders and waterfalls. The rooms are
pleasantly decorated in colonial shades.
There’s a tasty little restaurant and a pool.
Ah, yes, the ‘pool’ – just wait until you see
how amazing that is!
Borderlands CAmPgROUND $$$
(%Colombo 011-441 0110; http://www.discoverborder; incl full board & 2 activities daily US$110;
W) This riverside activities camp offers kay-
aking, rafting, biking, hiking and more, and
is run by a fun-loving, young and interna-
tional crowd. Accommodation is basic and
either open-sided cabanas or large tents with
beds. There’s a clean bathroom block and a
cool terrace and dining area.
8 Getting There & Away
i ’s easy to stop at Kitulgala even if you are t
travelling by bus. if you’re coming from Colombo