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The monastery is about 3km west of
Haputale. Follow Temple Rd along the ridge
until you reach the sign at the Adisham turn-
off. A taxi should cost Rs 500 return, includ-
ing waiting time. Before you reach Adisham
the road passes through Tangamalai, a bird
sanctuary and nature reserve, but there are
no facilities.
For more spectacular views – weather permit-
ting – take the train to Idalgashinna, 8km
west of Haputale. Walk back beside the train
tracks, enjoying a spectacular view with the
terrain falling away on both sides.
Near the Dambatenne tea factory, the
Lipton’s Seat lookout rivals the views from
World’s End (and it’s free). The Scottish tea
baron Sir Thomas Lipton used to survey his
burgeoning empire from here. Take the signed
narrow paved road from the tea factory and
climb about 7km through lush tea plantations
to the lookout. From the tea factory the ascent
should take about 2½ hours. The earliest bus
leaves Haputale at 6.30am. Look forward to
the company of Tamil tea pickers going off to
work as you walk uphill to Lipton’s Seat.
Some visitors hike along the train lines
from Haputale to Pattipola (14km, an all-day
hike), the highest train station in Sri Lanka.
From Pattipola you can continue via foot or
taxi to Ohiya train station, and from there to
the Horton Plains.
4 leeping & EatingS
Accommodation in Haputale represents fan-
tastic value compared with nearby, busier
tourist towns. You’re best off eating in your
guesthouse, but there are a number of OK
places for short eats, dosas (paper-thin pan-
cakes), rotti, rice and curry in the town centre.
Sri Lak View Holiday Inn HOTEl $
(%226 8125;; Sher-
wood Rd; s/d incl breakfast from Rs 1200/1500;
iW) Haputale’s best-value place to stay com-
bines spotless rooms split across two build-
ings. Views stretch a few hundred kilometres
from the decent restaurant and from some
rooms. Multiple reader recommendations
mean they must be doing something right. It
has plenty of traveller services too. It’s worth
booking ahead.
Leisure Mount View
Holiday Inn g UESTHOUSE $
(%226 8327; 163/3 Temple Rd; s incl breakfast
Rs 1200-1800, d Rs 2000-2500; W) This is a
good-value new guesthouse a couple of kilo-
metres west of the town centre. The older,
cheaper and more basic rooms are in the
family house, while the newly constructed
block adjoining the house contains very nice
‘deluxe’ rooms with beds decorated in flower
petals and amazing towel art creations. Views
are breathtaking.
Light-sensitive sleepers (or privacy seek-
ers) should know that there are no curtains
at the windows. There’s a cosy in-house
Amarasinghe Guest House HOmESTAY $
(%226 8175; Thambapillai Ave; r Rs 2500; W) This
simple, well-run guesthouse in a tranquil
location has been in business for decades.
Some people report a somewhat cold wel-
come. The owner, Mr Amarasinghe, will pick
you up from the train station at no charge.
If you walk, follow the directions to Bawa
Guest House but continue on down the flight
of steps, turn left and it’s 10m away.
Dias Rest g UESTHOUSE $
(White monkey; %568 1027; Thotulagala; r/c o t t a g e s
Rs 1600/2000; i) Dias Rest is surrounded by
a tea plantation 3km east of the train station.
It has a local atmosphere, fairly basic (and
chilly) rooms and a family cottage – all with
superb views that rival that of World’s End
on a clear day. The owner is an experienced
guide and can advise on interesting local
Olympus Plaza Hotel HOTEl $$
(%226 8544;; Te m-
ple Rd; s/d incl breakfast Rs 5600/8100; W) This
multistorey place brings a snazzy feel to
sleepy Haputale, and its modern rooms with
abstract art on the walls, thick mattresses,
hot-water showers and stellar views (from
most rooms) offer good value if you’re hang-
ing out for a few away-from-home comforts.
On weekends it’s a popular wedding venue.
Mountain View BOUTiQUE HOTEl $$$
(%011-257 3382, 226 8029; http://www.kelburnemountain; Kelburne Tea Estate; bungalows Rs 19,000-
21,000) About 2km east of Haputale train
station, Kelburne is a wonderful spot to
relax for a few days. It has accommodation in
immaculately renovated former tea-planter’s
bungalows and dapper white-suited waiters
attending to your needs. What really makes
the property stand out though are the beau-
tiful flower gardens, the surrounding tea es-
tates and stupendous views.