Introduction to Human Nutrition

(Sean Pound) #1
Minerals and Trace Elements 201

Angiotensin and aldosterone both act to conserve
sodium by increasing sodium reabsorption by the
kidney. Sodium depletion stimulates the renal pro-
duction of renin, which generates active angiotensin
in the circulation. The latter stimulates vasoconstric-
tion, which increases blood pressure, decreases water
loss, and stimulates aldosterone release from the
adrenal cortex. Atrial natriuretic hormone counter-
acts the sodium retention mechanisms by suppressing
renin and aldosterone release and by inducing water
and sodium excretion. It also decreases blood pres-
sure and antagonizes angiotensin. A raised plasma
sodium concentration stimulates the renal reabsorp-
tion of water and decreases urinary output via
antidiuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary. In
contrast to sodium, chloride is passively distributed
throughout the body and moves to replace anions lost
to cells via other processes.
The main excretory route for both sodium and
chloride is the urine. Sweat loss of these ions tends
to be very low except with severe exertion in hot
climates. Fecal losses are also low in healthy

Metabolic function and essentiality

The sodium cation is an active participant in the reg-
ulation of osmotic and electrolyte balances, whereas
the chloride anion is a passive participant in this regu-
latory system. Each ion, however, has other functions
within the body.
Sodium is involved in nerve conduction, active cel-
lular transport and the formation of mineral apatite
of bone. Central to its role in water balance, nerve
conduction, and active transport is the plasma mem-
brane enzyme sodium–potassium-ATPase (Na+/K+-
ATPase). This enzyme pumps sodium out of the cell
and at the same time returns potassium to the intra-
cellular environment while ATP is hydrolyzed. Signal
transmission along nerve cells, active transport of
nutrients into the enterocyte and muscle contraction/
relaxation all depend on the Na+/K+-ATPase pump. In
the muscle there is an additional pump, the sodium–
calcium system. The ATP utilized by the sodium
pump makes up a substantial part of the total meta-
bolic activity and thermogenesis.
Among the main functions of the chloride anion
are as dissociated hydrochloric acid in the stomach
and in the chloride shift in the erythrocyte plasma
membrane, where it exchanges with the bicarbonate

Defi ciency symptoms
Obligatory losses of sodium are very low, and low
plasma sodium or chloride depletion is diffi cult to
induce. Low plasma sodium or chloride is not diet
related but rather caused by a variety of clinical
conditions, including major trauma and cachexia
and overuse of diuretics. Loss of sodium can also
ensue as a result of excessive water intake, anorexia
nervosa, ulcerative colitis, liver disease, congestive
heart failure with edema, and severe infection and
diarrhea. Acute diarrhea is the most common cause
of sodium defi ciency, and oral rehydration depends
on the effi cient enteric uptake of sodium from iso-
tonic glucose/saline solutions and saves many lives
worldwide. Vomiting, chronic renal disease, renal
failure, and chronic respiratory acidosis can result in
chloride depletion.

Excessive salt intakes are usually excreted effi ciently in
healthy individuals, whereas high plasma sodium and
chloride are commonly caused by diabetes insipidus,
brainstem injury, and dehydration through either
excessive sweating or defi cient water intake. Excessive
salt intake may have roles in the degenerative diseases
of coronary heart disease, stroke, gastric cancer, osteo-
porosis, and bronchial hyperactivity. There are
accumulating data from epidemiological studies and
controlled clinical trials to indicate an adverse effect
of sodium intake on blood pressure, and that most
people are sodium sensitive. It now appears that low-
ering this intermediate or surrogate measure (blood
pressure) of disease can be translated into reduced
morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular disease
from long-term follow-up assessed 10–15 years after
the original dietary sodium reduction trials. The
mechanism linking salt intake with blood pressure is
unclear but probably relates to sodium homeostasis.
It has been suggested that extracellular sodium
concentrations may adversely affect vascular reac-
tivity and growth and stimulate myocordial fi brosis.
Low-sodium diets differ in nutrient composition
from the prevailing diet, and animal experimentation
indicates that low potassium or calcium intake
encourages a salt-induced increase in blood pres-
sure, as does feeding simple carbohydrates (sucrose,
glucose, or fructose). Copper defi ciency in rats has
been demonstrated to increase blood pressure
independently of sodium intake. Epidemiological and
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