Introduction to Human Nutrition

(Sean Pound) #1

204 Introduction to Human Nutrition

The concentration difference of potassium and
sodium across cell membranes is maintained by the
Na+/K+-ATPase pump and is critical for nerve trans-
mission and muscle function. The physiological
importance of potassium in the body covers many
systems including cardiovascular, respiratory, diges-
tive, renal, and endocrine. In addition, potassium is a
cofactor for enzymes involved in inter alia energy
metabolism, glycogenesis, and cellular growth and

Defi ciency symptoms

The low concentration of potassium in plasma is
tightly regulated. Hypokalemia, however, can result
from either excessive uptake of potassium by cells or
potassium depletion from the body. Insulin excess,
catecholamine increases, Cushing’s disease (excess
steroids), diuretics that enhance potassium loss,
chronic renal disease, diarrhea, vomiting, and laxative
abuse can result in hypokalemia. Low potassium
intakes are unlikely to lead to clinical potassium
depletion and hypokalemia except during starvation
and anorexia nervosa.
The activity of nerves and muscles is affected in
potassium depletion, and other clinical sequelae
involve cardiac (including cardiac arrest), renal, and

metabolic alterations. Potassium supplementation
may have a role to play in treating chronic heart failure,
and increased potassium intakes can decrease blood
pressure via antagonistic metabolic interactions with
sodium, resulting in increased sodium excretion, and
also via a direct vasodilatory effect. Oral administra-
tion of potassium salts has been shown to improve
calcium and phosphorus balance, reduce bone resorp-
tion and increase the rate of bone formation.

Hyperkalemia, as a result of either a shift of potas-
sium from cells to the ECF or excessive potassium
retention, can be caused by major trauma and infec-
tion, metabolic acidosis, Addison’s disease (aldoste-
rone insuffi ciency) and chronic renal failure. Overuse
of potassium supplements can also result in potas-
sium excess. As with potassium depletion, the most
important clinical consequence of potassium excess is
cardiac arrest.

Assessing status
The plasma concentration of potassium is not a
reliable index of whole-body potassium status. Total
body potassium can be measured by^42 K dilution or
by whole body counting of the naturally abundant^40 K
to determine the amount of lean body tissue. More
direct measures of tissue potassium can be obtained
by muscle biopsies.

Requirement and dietary sources
Adult requirements for potassium are estimated to be
about 2 g/day. Because of potential benefi cial antago-
nistic effects against high salt intakes, higher intakes
(around 3.5 g/day) of potassium are considered to be
optimal, although chronic intakes above 5.9 g/day
may be dangerous for individuals with impaired renal
function. Potassium, like sodium and chloride, is
naturally widely distributed in foods (Table 9.8).
Food processing (through leaching) may decrease
potassium content as well as increasing salt content.
Legumes, nuts, dried fruit, and fresh fruit, especially
bananas, melons, avocados, and kiwi fruit, are rich
sources of potassium. Major vegetable sources of
potassium are potatoes and spinach, although cereal
and dairy products, which have a lower potassium
content but are consumed in large quantities, are also
important dietary sources. In addition, meat and
fi sh contain appreciable quantities of potassium.
People who eat large quantities of fruit and vegetables

Table 9.7 Salting (mg/100 g fresh weight) of foods in Western

Na K Ca Mg

Maize-based products
Corn 4 284 55 41
Tortilla, rural 11 192 177 65
Breakfast cereals 866 101 3 11
Processed snacks 838 197 102 56

Wheat-based products
Natural cereals 39 1166 94 343
Tortillas, wheat 622 73 11 17
Breakfast cereals 855 869 81 236
Processed bread (urban) 573 126 47 31
Salted bread, made locally (rural) 410 92 10 74
Sweet bread, made locally (rural) 97 93 87 18
Processed bread (rural) 344 79 213 18
Processed biscuits 582 80 16 17

Unprocessed, cooked 53 373 50 41
Processed, canned 354 371 27 79

Reproduced from Sánchez-Castillo and James in Sadler et al. Encyclo-
pedia of Human Nutrition, copyright 1999 with permission of

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