Half Girlfriend

(ff) #1

‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s fine. Madhav, it is my choice. Nobody is forcing me. I want to
‘I never wanted to do this course. I don’t want to be near my sexist
‘You could finish your degree. Go abroad later to study. Why
‘I want adventure, travel and excitement. Rohan promises all that.’
‘Are you sure?’
'Yeah. He's crazy. He keeps me entertained. He’s also well settled.
What’s wrong with marrying him?’
‘He’s rich.’
‘So? Is that his only flaw? So am I.’
‘Not a flaw. Just an observation. He couldn’t wait for you to finish
college? He wants you to drop out?’
‘Well, he doesn’t care either way. It’s his family.They want him to
get married soon. My parents don’t want to risk losing a match like
him, too.’
‘Riya, nobody drops out of college like this.'
‘People abroad do it all the time.’
‘Not in India.’
‘Oh, come on. Most of India needs a degree to get a job and make
a living. I don’t need that, right?’
She wasn’t wrong. Losers like me need to study, else we have no
future. People who are born at 100, Aurangzeb Road can do whatever
they want in life.
‘Even Rohan joined an MBA and never finished it.’
‘Is Rohan your boyfriend?’
Well, he will be my husband,’ Riya said.
‘That's not what I asked.’
'We are getting closer. Of course, I always called him Rohan bhaiya
when I was growing up, so it’s an adjustment,’ she said. She laughed at

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