Half Girlfriend

(ff) #1


'I am officially, completely, exhausted,’ Riya said. She wore a pink
kurti and dark blue tights. Her face had turned pink to match her kurti.
She plonked herself on the four mattresses we had dragged into
her apartment.
‘Remove the plastic covers at least,’ I said.
She ignored me. She lay down on the mattresses and did side leg
twists like we used to do on court.
‘Cut the drama,’ I said.
‘Do we have to do everything today?’ she said.
We had made four trips to the market, one each to buy groceries,
electrical appliances, utensils and mattresses.
‘Why do you need four mattresses?’ I had asked her in the shop.
Two for the bedrooms, and two will become a diwan in the living
room. I don’t have a sofa.’
‘Let’s get a sofa,’ I had said. She refused. She wanted a 'casual-
chic’ look. I guess it means not rich-looking but still classy.
‘Get up,' I said and pulled her up by her hand.
Thanks,’ she said. 'Thanks for everything today.’
‘Mention not,’ I said.
‘Please don’t mention it,’ she said.
‘Sorry, correcting you.’
I laughed.
‘I thought we only learnt English on weekends?’ I said.
‘No, sir. We practise it all the time,’ she said.
I looked at my watch. ‘It’s nine. I better leave.’
‘What about dinner?’
‘I’ll get something from outside,’ I said in slow but correct English.
‘Why? We have stocked up. We have a hot plate. Would you like
some Maggi?’ she said.
It took us a while to unpack and set up everything. She

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