Adjusting the image size
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
1 Return to the web0501.jpg fi le and select Image > Image Size. The Image Size dialog
box appears, indicating that this fi le is 849 by 565 pixels.
The Image Size dialog box.
Remember that the top part of this dialog box is for on-screen resizing and the bottom
part is for resizing an image for printing. On-screen images cannot accommodate more
dots per inch in the same space; they occupy space on the monitor based on their
pixel count. This particular image would use about 90 percent of a browser window as
calculated from the pixel dimensions, not from the resolution. In the following steps, you
will only consider pixel dimensions.
2 After looking at the pixel information in the Image Size dialog box, click Cancel. Since
you must determine a specifi c width and height, you will use the Crop tool.
3 Click the Crop tool ( ) to select it in the Tools panel.
4 In the Options bar, type 225px in the Width text box and 150px in the Height text box.
Fixing the crop size.