Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Table of Contents IX

Starting Up
About Web Design with HTML
and CSS Digital Classroom............................. 1
Prerequisites.......................................... 1
System requirements.................................. 2
Understanding menus and commands................. 3
Understanding how to read HTML
and CSS code changes................................. 3
Loading lesson fi les................................... 3
Video tutorials........................................ 4
Hosting your websites................................. 4
Additional resources.................................. 5

Lesson 1: Planning Your Website
Starting up........................................... 7
The goals of web design............................... 7
The diff erence between print design
and web design....................................... 8
The web demands user interaction.................... 10
Defi ning the user experience.......................... 11
User-centered design................................. 11
The stages of the planning process.................... 11
Defi ning goals and strategy........................... 12
Research............................................. 12
Scenarios and characters............................. 13
Information architecture.............................. 15
Defi ning the navigation design
of the SmoothieWorld site............................ 16
Rethinking site navigation............................ 18
The role of usability testing........................... 18
Wireframes, prototypes, and mockups................. 20
The evolving fi eld of interactive prototypes............ 22
Be creative during the planning process............... 23
Self study............................................ 24
Review.............................................. 24


Web Design
with HTML and CSS


A Complete Training Package!


g Pagackkagege!


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