Using the color table
Lesson 5, Graphics, Color, and Transparency 99
4 In this example, the client has specifi ed that the orange should match PMS 173. Click
the color value Pantone 173 C, and then click OK. The color changes to match the value
of PMS 173 and has a white square icon in the lower-right corner with a diagonal line
through it. This indicates that the color is locked and has been mapped to a color other
than the original. You will now lock additional colors.
This color has been locked
and mapped to a specifi c value.
5 Click any color in the color table, and then click the padlock icon ( ) at the bottom of
the color table. For this part of the exercise, select four additional colors you would like
to retain in this image, and lock them as instructed in the previous steps.
You will now reduce the number of color values in the optimized image even further.
6 From the Colors drop-down menu, choose 8. This is a signifi cant reduction in the
number of colors, and although your important colors are locked and the fi le size has
been reduced, the image quality is poor. So you will need to increase the number of
colors used to improve the quality.
Reducing the color values in the color table.
7 Using the Colors drop-down menu, increase the number to 32. Keep this window open
for the next part of the lesson.