Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Slicing an image

Lesson 5, Graphics, Color, and Transparency 109

Changing the attributes of the slices.

In the following steps, you will change the individual slice attributes to add alternative text
and individual hyperlinks.

1 Using the Slice Select tool, which is hidden under the Slice tool, make sure no slices are
active by clicking between any two slices.

You cannot have any slices selected before
changing individual attributes of the slices.

2 Using the Slice Select tool ( ), select the About Slice, and then click the Set Options for
the Current Slice button ( ), which is located in the upper-right corner of the Options
bar.The Slice Options window appears.

3 In the Name text box, type about.

4 In the URL text box, type about.html. To create a link to an existing page, you would
type the URL address here. To allow the user to navigate to an external link, you would
enter a full address. For this exercise, you are linking to a local page located inside the
same folder where you will be saving this sliced image.

5 In the Alt Tag text box, type About. The text in the Alt Tag text box is visible to users
when they place their mouse cursor over the link, or choose to not have the graphics
on the web page visible. An accurate Alt tag also gives search engines more information
about your web page. Click OK.

Changing the fi rst slice’s options.

6 With the Slice Select tool, click the Recipes slice, and then click the Set Options for the
Current Slice button ( ).

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