The importance of typography on the web
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
Setting a font-family.
In this exercise you will set your font-family for an entire page and then set the font-
family for your headings.
1 In your text editor, choose File > Open and navigate to the web06lessons folder. Locate
the 06_fonts.html fi le and click OK. This fi le has four blocks of text: a heading 1 <h1>,
a heading 2 <h2>, and two paragraphs <p>. Additionally, in the <style> section, empty
style rules are added to save you time. In this exercise, you will add the CSS properties.
You will start by adding the font-family property for the body element.
2 In the style rule for the body, type the following line (highlighted in red):
body {
font-family:“Trebuchet MS”, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
3 Choose File > Save and then preview your page in the browser. As noted above, your
web browser renders Trebuchet if you have it on your system; if you do not, it displays
Tahoma; and if you don’t have Tahoma, you still see a sans-serif font.
When you defi ne the font family Trebuchet for the body rule, all your text is set in this font.
All of the text on your page is rendered in Trebuchet because the only style set is for the
body. Remember that the HTML body tag defi nes all of the elements on the page. Now
you will set a specifi c font family for the paragraph element.
4 In the style rule for the paragraph ( p ), type the following line (highlighted in red):
p {
font-family:Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif;
5 Save your document and preview it in your browser. Now that there is a specifi c rule for
paragraphs, they are styled as Georgia. The two headings are still using Trebuchet, which
you defi ned in the body style.