Working with a CSS reset file
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
Working with a CSS reset fi le
Before you start building your page layout, you will learn to use a CSS reset fi le. In Lesson 4,
you learned that virtually all HTML elements (such as paragraphs and headings) have default
styles rendered by the browser. For example, the heading 1 default style has top and bottom
margins of 10 pixels. If you want to style a heading so there is no margin, you must explicitly
set the style rules to zero.
On the left is a heading 1 with default margins of 10 pixels. On the right is a heading 1 with the margins set to zero.
The CSS rule for setting the margins to zero is as follows:
All HTML elements have default margins; unfortunately, web browsers use their own rules
for rendering content, and interpret the appearance of these margins diff erently. For example,
the 10-pixel margin in browser A might be rendered as 15 pixels in browser B. These
diff erences can introduce inconsistencies in your page layouts. Fortunately, you can use the
CSS reset fi le to remove the default styles from the most commonly used HTML elements.
With the CSS styles reset, you have a reliable and consistent foundation on which to base
your new styles. To get a better sense of how styles work, open a page that contains a number
of default styles and link the CSS reset style sheet to this page.
1 In your text editor, choose File > Open. In the dialog box that appears, navigate to the
web07lessons folder, choose the 07_reset.html fi le, and click Open.
This fi le has a number of generic HTML elements, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and
forms; it has no CSS styles.
2 Preview the page in your web browser and notice the space between the headings as well
as the appearance of the lists and the form. Add a link to your CSS reset style sheet to see
how this aff ects the appearance of these elements. Close your web browser and return to
your text editor.