Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Understanding menus and commands

Starting up 3

Understanding menus and commands

Menus and commands within the software tools discussed in this book are identifi ed by using
the greater-than symbol (>). For example, the command to print a document might appear
as File > Print, representing that you click the File menu, then choose the Print command.

Understanding how to read HTML and CSS code changes

Many of the step-by-step instructions in the book involve typing one line (or more) of
HTML or CSS code to a previously existing block of code. In these cases, the new code for
you to add is highlighted in red to help you quickly identify the text to be added to your
lesson fi le.

For example, this code represents a line already present in your lesson fi le:


The code highlighted here in red is what you would need to add:


Loading lesson fi les

The Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom uses fi les for the exercises with each of
the lessons. These fi les are available for download at http://www.DigitalClassroomBooks.com/webdesign.
You may download all the lessons at one time or you may choose to download and work
with specifi c lessons.

For each lesson in the book, the fi les are referenced by the fi le name of each fi le. The exact
location of each fi le on your computer is not used, as you may have placed the fi les in a
unique location on your hard drive. We suggest placing the lesson fi les in the My Documents
folder or on the Desktop so you can easily access them.

Downloading and copying the lesson fi les to your hard drive:

1 Using your web browser, navigate to http://www.DigitalClassroomBooks.com/webdesign. Follow
the instructions on the web page to download the lesson fi les to your computer.

2 On your computer, navigate to the location where you downloaded the fi les and right-
click (Windows) the .zip fi le you downloaded, then choose Extract All or double click
on the .zip fi le (Mac OS).

3 If using a Windows computer, the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window
appears. In this window, specify the location where you want to save the fi les, and click
Show Extracted Files When Complete. Mac OS users will fi nd the fi les extracted to the
same location as the original .zip fi le.

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