Lesson 10, Introduction to Interactivity 211
What you’ll learn
in this lesson:
- An overview of how to
use JavaScript - How to use the jQuery
framework - How to add Flash
content to a page - How to add Silverlight
content to a page
Introduction to Interactivity
In this lesson, you’ll learn the fundamentals of adding interactivity
to your pages with JavaScript and adding rich media such as Flash
and Silverlight to your web content.
Starting up
You will work with several fi les from the web10lessons folder in this lesson. Make sure you have
loaded the weblessons folder onto your hard-drive from http://www.digitalclassroombooks.com/webdesign.
See “Loading lesson fi les” in the Starting Up section of this book.
See Lesson 10 in action!
Use the accompanying video to gain a better understanding of how to use some of
the features shown in this lesson. You can fi nd the video tutorial for this lesson at
http://www.digitalclassroombooks.com using the URL provided when you registered your book.
This lesson uses the TextWrangler text editor to create the markup, but you can use any of the
text editors covered in Lesson 3.
Lesson 10