Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Interactivity on the web

Lesson 10, Introduction to Interactivity 235

Customizing the behavior and appearance of Flash objects

You can defi ne several other features associated with Flash fi les called parameters. An example of
a parameter is the ability to force a Flash movie to loop.
To access and modify the parameters of your Flash object in the SWFObject generator, locate
the SWF defi nition section and click the more link to expand this section.

These parameters can help you customize the appearance and behavior of Flash objects.

Changing any of these values and then clicking Generate creates new code with any additional
parameter code you might have added. For example, to loop an animation, you would click the
loop menu and choose true.

Inserting Silverlight content into a web page

Silverlight is a browser plugin powered by the Microsoft .NET framework that has support
for animation, advanced data integration, web video, and interactivity. As is the case with
Flash, you need to know the width and height of the Silverlight content you want to
insert. Just as Flash content has a unique fi le extension (.swf ), Silverlight content has its
own extension name (.xap). A sample .xap fi le is located within the web10lessons folder in
the SilverlightAssets folder.

1 Open the 10_insertSilverlight.html fi le and scroll to locate the following code:

<div id="Sl_content"> </div>
This is where you will add the Silverlight content; in this case, it will be an animated
footer at the bottom of the page. You will now add some CSS rules for this div.
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