Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


The <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> elements

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

Section and Article

Most of the new HTML elements designed for layout use are logical, but some are not as
intuitive as <nav>, for example, <section> and <article>. A section is a distinct and often
self-contained block of related content. It is similar to the practice of defi ning a div as main or
<section id="smoothies">
<h1>Banana Smoothie Recipes</h1>
<p>The following list of banana smoothie recipes were collected from
our readers </p>
<h1>Facts about bananas</h1>
<p>Bananas contain lots of potassium and their peels are often used
for practical jokes </p>
An article is also a self-contained block of related content, but is used when the content could
exist independently of the web site:
<h1>Reviewing the Fruit-o-matic 10 speed blender</h1>
<p> We put the Fruit-o-matic through its paces in various
blending, ice-crushing, and puréeing tasks.</p>
The <article> element is useful because of its independent nature and the way people
currently access content on the web. You can publish an article on your web site, but using
technologies such as newsreaders and mobile devices, a user might have your latest articles
delivered to their device without visiting your web site.


One of the most publicized features of the HTML5 specifi cation is the inclusion of native
tags that allow you to add multimedia without the need for browser plugins. The <video>
and <audio> tags allow you to embed video and audio into your pages the same way you
would with the <img> tag. The <canvas> tag is designed to supply HTML with a native
drawing and animation format. This tag could provide an alternative platform for displaying
the type of graphics and animation most often found in Flash movies. As innovative as the
development of these new tags might be, there are signifi cant issues that must be addressed.

Embed media fi les using <video> and <audio> elements
The structure for embedding video and audio is simple. For example, the code for adding
video to your web page is similar to this:
<video src="catz.mp4" width="400" height="300"></video>
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