Index 277
A List Apart, 16
About Us page, 187–188
Absolute positioning, 190–193
Absolute-size, 118
Add Layer Mask button, 105
Adobe BrowserLab, 202–203
Adobe Dreamweaver
Automated settings, 63
Coding environment, 44
Creating websites in, 46–48
Defi ning websites in, 45
Description of, 42
Design and Layout tools, 43
Downloading, 45
File transfer protocol, 43
Importing existing website into, 48–49
Site management, 43
Sources, 45
Templates, 45
Adobe Fireworks, 22
Adobe Flash
Adding to pre-existing design, 232–235
Adding to web page, 229–231
Considerations when using, 229
Description of, 212–213
Development of, 228
Looping, 235
Parameters, 235
Adobe Flash Player, 229
Adobe Photoshop
Opening images, 79, 101
Slicing an image, 107–111
Adobe Photoshop Extended, 83
a:hover property, 184
AIGA, 16
Alpha transparency, 206
Alt Tag text box, 109
Analytic software, 13–14
CSS, 264, 266
GIF image, 93, 101–104
HTML5, 260–261
Anti-aliasing, 86
Apple Bootcamp, 201
Apple iPhone, 244–245, 249
Apple Safari, 51, 208, 244, 253
ASP, 41, 44
Attributes, 58, 64
Audience, 31–33
Background color, 174–177
Background images
Adding to footer, 167–170
CSS, 177–180
Background-position, 179
BBedit, 41
Berners-Lee, Tim, 26–27
Best practices, 65
Borders, 265
Compatibility, 202–203, 206–209
CSS fi xes for incompatibilities, 204
CSS3 support, 266
Defi nition of, 196
Development tools in, 51–52
Font size changes, 119
Geolocation, 263
History of, 27
HTML code and, 28, 57
HTML5 support, 266, 268
Incompatibilities, 204
Level of support, 197
Menu bar, 30
Mobile device, 245
Problems in, tools to identify, 200–209
Resizing text on, 118–119, 122
Statistics, 199
Testing of, 196–199
Web pages in, 196–197
Website identifi cation of, 245
Window size, 80
Zoom feature, 122
Bullet lists, 136
<canvas> element, 260–261, 264, 14
Class selectors, 70
Class styles, 70–71
Clear property, 155
Client-side languages, 44
Coda, 40–41
Coloring of, 39
Completion of, 40