Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

278 Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

Editing, 42
ColdFusion, 44
Color, background, 174–177
Color Libraries button, 98
Color Picker window, 98
CSS fl oat property, 153–154
Two-column fi xed-width layouts, 147–151
Commands, 3
Competitive research, 12
Conditional comment operators, 204–205
Conferences, 5
Contact page, 187
Contextual selector, 156
Copying lesson fi les to hard drive, 3
Creating website
in Dreamweaver, 46–48
in Expression Web, 50
Criticism, 23
Crop, 83
Absolute positioning, 190–193
Animations, 264, 266
Background images, 177–180
Border property, 125
Browser incompatibilities, 204
Class styles, 70–71
Clear property, 155
Description of, 66
External style sheets. See External style
Fixed positioning, 193
Float property
Columns created with, 153–154
Description of, 151–153
List-based navigation created using,
Font stack, 115
Formatting text with. See Formatting text
Future of, 206–207
Goals, 145
Heading styles, 67–69
Hexadecimal colors, 69
HTML lists for. See HTML lists
Inline styles, 71–72
Inspecting properties of, 51
Internal style sheets, 71–72, 158
Text styles, 158–159
Two-column fi xed-width, 147–151

Letter-spacing property, 129–130
Limitations, 212
Margin property, 124
Navigation bar, 183–186
Reading, 3
Relative positioning, 190, 193
Reset fi le, 140–142
Rules, 70–75, 140
Sliced images exported to, 111
Syntax, 66
2D transformations, 265
Transitions, 265
2D transformations, 265
User interactions, 212
Backgrounds, 265
Borders, 265
Browser support of, 266
Description of, 209
Drop shadows, 265
Gradients, 265
HTML5 integration with, 264–266
Media queries, 246–253
RGBA colors, 265
Rounded corners, 265
Current Slice button, 109


Deep navigation, 17
Defi nition lists, 130, 133
Descendant selector, 134
DigitalClassroomBooks.com, 5
Displays, 32
Dithering, 96
Doctype, 58
Document Object Model, 221–222
Domain name servers, 27
Domain names
Description of, 26–27
Purpose of, 27
Drop shadows, 265
.dwt, 45


E Text Editor, 41
Educators, 5
EightShapes Unify, 22
Embedding media fi les in HTML5, 258–260
Description, 119–122
Pixel conversions, 123, 126
Emulators, 249
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