Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index 279

Eraser tool, 94
Events, JavaScript
Description of, 215, 218–220
Show eff ect triggered by adding, 225–228
Existing website
Importing into Dreamweaver, 48–49
Integrating Flash into, 232–235
Export button, 49
External style sheets
Creating, 72–74
Defi nition of, 71
Internal style sheets versus, 72
Managing of, 176
Moving internal styles to, 187
When to use, 176
Eyedropper tool, 97
Failure, 23

element, 262
element, 262
File transfer protocol, 43
Fireworks (Adobe), 22
Fixed positioning, 193
Fixed-width layouts
Description of, 145–146
Margins eff ect on, 160–167
Mobile devices, 241–243
Padding eff ect on, 160–167
Two-column, 147–151
FLA authoring fi le, 230
Flexible layouts, 145–146
Float property
Columns created with, 153–154
Description of, 151–153
List-based navigation created using, 155–
Folder icon, 46
Challenges associated with, 114–115
Defi nition of, 114
@font-face, 266
Font-family, 116–117
Sources of, 117
Typeface versus, 114
Web-safe types of, 115
Font size
em measurements, 119–122
Percent measurements, 119–122
Pixels, 118–119
Points, 118
Unit of measurement for, 118
Font stack, 115
Footer, 167–170
Formatting text
Fonts. See Font(s)
Margins used to modify space between text,
Paragraph line-height, 127–128
Sizing text, 118–123


Geolocation, 263
GIF image
Animating, 93, 101–104
Color table, 97–99
Description of, 93
Dithering, 96
Matte added to, 100–101
Optimizing, 95–96
Previewing, 97
Saving, 93–95
Tweening, 103–104
Google Analytics, 13–14
Google Chrome, 51, 208
Gradient tool, 105–106
Gradients, 265
Graphic Artists Guild, 16
Graphics, 78


Defi nition of, 29
Layout problems corrected using, 180–182
Hard drive, copying lesson fi les to, 3
HaveaMint.com, 14
Font-family setting, 116–117
HTML5, 261
Styling of, 67–69
Hexadecimal colors, 69
Home page, 18
Hosting, 4, 27–28
Background images, 177
Default margins, 140
Defi nition of, 28
Editing, 52
External style sheets, 72–73
Future of, 206–207
Hexadecimal colors, 69
Image placement in, 64–65
Inspecting, 51
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