Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

280 Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

JavaScript and, 213–218
Limitations of, 256
Nested structure, 61–63
Notepad for creating, 38
Optional attributes, 65
Reading, 3
Self-closing tags, 64
Sliced images saved to, 110–111
Structure, 61–63
Text editors. See Text editors
TextEdit for creating, 38
Validation of, 59
in Web browser, 57
Web page structure based on, 56
.html, 56
HTML 4.0, 58
HTML lists
Defi nition, 130, 133
Ordered, 130, 136
Styling, 133–137
Unordered, 130
Website uses of, 130
Working with, 130–133
HTML table, 142
Animation features, 260–261
<article> element, 258
Browser support of, 266, 268
<canvas> element, 260–261, 264
Captions, 262
CSS3 integration with, 264–266
Defi nition of, 255–256
Documentation, 260
Drawing features, 260–261
Embedding media fi les, 258–260
<fi gure> element, 262
<fi gurecaption> element, 262
Figures, 262
Foundational use of, 267
Geolocation, 263
Grouping headings and images, 261
<hgroup> element, 261
Markup, 256–262
Reasons for developing, 256
<section> element, 258
<video> element, 258–260
Web forms, 262
Web Storage, 264
Web Workers, 264
Hyperlinks, 28, 63, 184–185
Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML


if statement, 217
Background, 167–170, 177–180
Browser window size and, 80
Cropping, 83
HTML placement of, 64–65
Inline, 177
Resizing, 78–81
Sharpening, 84–85
Sidebar, 189
Size of
Adjusting, 81–83
Determining, 80–81
Slicing, 107–111
Unsharp Mask fi lter applied to, 84–85
Image formats
GIF. See GIF image
JPEG. See JPEG image
PNG, 86, 104–107
Selecting, 85–86
Image Size dialog box, 82
Image Tag Accessibility Attributes, 48
<img> tag, 64
Importing websites, 48–49
Information architecture, 11, 15–19
Inline images, 177
Inline styles, 71–72
Innerwrap rule, 178
Interactive prototypes, 22
Description, 30
JavaScript. See JavaScript
Web, 212
Internal style sheets, 71–72, 158, 176, 187
Internet, 26–27
Invisible characters, 39
IP address, 26–27


Basics of, 213–218
Description of, 44
Document Object Model, 221–222
Description of, 215, 218–220
Show eff ect triggered by adding,
External fi le, 220–221
Frameworks, 222
HTML and, 213–218
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