Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

282 Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

Monitor resolutions, 32, 80, 119
Mouseover event, 219
Mozilla Firefox 3, 207–208
Mozilla Firefox Firebug, 51
.mp4, 259


Considerations for, 16–18
List-based, 155–158
Mobile devices, 251
Usability testing, 18–19
Navigation bar, 183–186
Nesting tables, 142
New website
in Dreamweaver, 46–48
in Expression Web, 50


Omniture, 13–14
Conditional comment, 204–205
JavaScript, 217
Ordered lists, 130, 136


Padding, 135–137, 141, 160–167
Page layouts
Building, 174–177
CSS. See CSS, Layouts
Fixed-width. See Fixed-width layouts
Flexible, 145–146
History of techniques, 142–145
Mobile devices, 251–252
Options, 145–146
Table method, 142–144
Pantone Color Matching System, 97
Paragraph line-height, 127–128
Parallels, 201
Percent measurements, 119–122
PHP, 41, 44
Defi nition of, 119
Ems conversion of, 123, 126
Sizing text using, 118–119
Plain text editors, 37
Creativity during, 23
Defi ning goals and strategy, 12
Information architecture, 15–19

Mockups, 20–21
Overview, 11
Prototypes, 21–22
Research, 12–14
Wireframes, 20
PNG image format, 86, 104–107, 205–206
Points, 118
GIF image, 97
JPEG image, 89–90
Print design, 8–10
Prototypes, 21–22
Pseudoclass, 184


Radius property, 209
Relative positioning, 190, 193
Relative-size, 118
Research, 12–14
Reset fi le, 140–142
Images, 78–81
Text, 118–119, 122
Resolution of monitors, 32, 80, 119
Resources, 5
RGBA colors, 265
Rounded corners, 265
Ruby on Rails, 41


Save for Web & Devices window, 87, 89–90,
Screen resolutions
Desktops, 32, 80, 119
Mobile devices, 240
Web design considerations, 32–33
Scripting languages, 44
Search engine optimization, 61
<section> element, 258
Select Download Speed button, 88
Seminars, 5
Serifs, 115
Server log, 12–13
Server-side languages, 44
Images added to, 189
Padding added to, 160
Site management, 43
SketchFlow (Microsoft), 22
Slice Select tool, 108–109
Slices, 107–111
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