Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index 283

Slicing an image, 107–111
Slide Toggle eff ect, 227
Software virtualization
Defi nition, 200
Mac OS, 200–201
Windows, 201–202
Style sheets
External. See External style sheets
Internal, 71–72, 158, 176
Issues associated with, 245–246
Managing of, 176
Reset, 142
Active page, 187–189
Cascading, 74
Class, 70–71
Heading, 67–69
Internal, moving to external style sheets,
Text, 158–159
Ways to use, 71–72
SWFObject, 229


TCP/IP address, 26–27
Templates, 45
CSS properties, 128–130
Margins used to modify space between,
Paragraph line-height settings, 127–128
Resizing, 118–119, 122
Sizing, 118–123
Text editors
Automation features, 40
Code coloring, 39
Code completion, 40
Downloading, 36
Finding and replacing code, 41
Invisible characters, 39
Line numbers, 39
Mac OS, 2, 37
Plain, 37
Types of, 41
Text styles, 158–159
TextEdit, 37–38
TextMate, 40–41
TextWrangler, 41
then statement, 217
Timing of animation, 102
Tolerance text box, 94

Layout, 43
Overview of, 35–36
Tracking, 129
Training, 5
Transparency eff ect, 90–91
Tweening, 103–104
Two-column fi xed-width CSS layout, 147–151
Type selectors, 69–70
Typeface, 114


Unordered lists, 130
Unsharp Mask dialog box, 84–85
Unsharp Mask fi lter, 84–85
URL text box, 109
Usability testing, 18–19
User agent detectors, 245
User agent string, 245
User experience, 11
User interaction, 10, 212
Description of, 10
Web design considerations, 11


Validation, 59
Vendor-specifi c property, 207
<video> element, 258–260
Video tutorials, 4
Defi nition, 200
Mac OS, 200–201
Windows, 201–202
VmWare Fusion, 201


We b
Domain names, 26–27
Evolution of, 28–29
Typography on, 114
Web analytics, 13–14
Web design
Audience, 31–33
Challenges associated with, 8
Defi nition of, 8
Goals of, 7–8
Mobile device testing of, 249
Planning. See Planning
Print design versus, 8–10
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