Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

284 Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

Screen considerations, 32–33
Tools for. See Tools
User-centered, 11
Web Design Digital Classroom
Overview, 1
Prerequisites, 1–2
System requirements, 2
Web designers
Description of, 10–11
Resources for, 16
Web editors, 37–38. See also Text editors
Web languages
Description of, 28, 56
Web pages
Flash added to, 229–231
HTML, 56
Silverlight content inserted into, 235–237
Validation, 59–61
World Wide Web Consortium validation,
Web server, 4, 28
Web Storage, 264
Web Workers, 264
WebKit, 208
Audience for, 31–33
Defi ning goals and strategy for, 12
Dreamweaver creation of, 46–48
Flash added to, 229–231
Hosting, 4
Interactivity of, 30
Mobile-optimized, 240
Navigation design of, 16–18
Scope of, 15
Structure and style of, 30
User interaction, 10
Viewers of, 32
Wide navigation, 17
Windows Notepad, 37–38
Windows OS
Description of, 2
Virtualization solutions for, 201–202
Windows Phone 7, 249
Windows Virtual PC, 202
Wireframes, 20
World Wide Web. See We b
World Wide Web Consortium
Description of, 29, 58
Web page validation, 59–61
WYSIWYG editors

Description of, 36, 42
Dreamweaver. See Adobe Dreamweaver
Expression Web. See Microsoft Expression
We b
Popularity of, 42


.xap, 235
XHTML, 30, 58–59, 256


Zoom, 122
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