Web editors versus WYSIWYG tools
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
Code completion
Most text editors can automate a number of certain tedious tasks, such as typing brackets
or common tags. Although the methods and shortcuts for each program are diff erent, most
full-featured text editors have this capability. Some text editors automatically trigger code
completion as you begin to type, while others require you to trigger the code completion
and choose the code from a list of options. Code completion is useful, as it removes some of
the burden of having to remember every detail of the syntax you are using, whether HTML,
CSS, or another language.
In TextMate (Mac OS), you can trigger code completion manually by
pressing the Option + Esc keys. Similar capabilities exist in Windows
text editors such as Visual Studio from Microsoft.
Automation features
Most text editors have some capability for automating repetitive tasks. Whether they are
called macros, snippets, clips, or by some other name. These automation tools give you the
ability to add reusable pieces of code to your pages and can save you a great deal of time.
In Coda (Mac OS), the Clip feature provides a way to save and
re-use code across projects. In this example, the basic HTML
structure of a page is selected.