Web editors versus WYSIWYG tools
Lesson 3, Web Design Tools 43
Design and layout tools
Both Dreamweaver and Expression Web use icon-based menus and panels to format text,
insert images, and add media such as video fi les, Flash movies, or Silverlight objects. Adding
elements such as hyperlinks, tables, div tags, and form elements involves dragging them onto
a page.
The Dreamweaver Insert panel features objects
in several categories that let you easily add images,
web forms, and media to your page.
Expression Web makes it easy to add
page elements with the Toolbox panel.
Site management and fi le transfer protocol
Both Expression Web and Dreamweaver include site management tools, including fi le
transfer protocol (FTP) capabilities so you can upload fi les to a web server from your local
machine. They also support reusable objects, such as page templates and library items, and
can check links to make sure they go to valid pages or objects. The site management tools
are helpful, as they make certain that links that are created while working on your computer
function correctly when the site is moved to a web server.