Defining sites in Dreamweaver or Expression Web
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom
Creating a new site in Dreamweaver
You can create a new site from scratch without any templates or pre-existing HTML pages,
or you can import a pre-existing site, such as one you have inherited from a colleague
or a previous designer. In this fi rst example, you’ll create a new site from scratch, using
Dreamweaver CS5. Later in the exercise, you’ll work with a pre-existing site.
1 Launch Dreamweaver and then choose Site > New Site. In the Site Name text fi eld,
type SmoothieWorld. Next, you need to defi ne a local folder where Dreamweaver
stores the fi les for the site.
2 In the Local Site Folder fi eld a directory path is provided, which shows the location of
the folder on your hard drive. This path is often the Documents folder.
3 Click the Folder icon ( ) to the right of the Local Site Folder fi eld; you are prompted
to choose a root folder, which will be the primary folder for this site. This folder can be
an empty folder that you have previously created, or a new folder.
Navigate to your desktop and click the New Folder icon. Name this folder
SmoothieWorld and then click Choose (Mac OS) or Select (Windows). The Local Site
Folder fi eld is updated to show the path to the folder you created. Keep this window,
you’ll need it in the next part of this lesson.
The Local Site Folder fi eld shows the path on your system to the root folder
where your fi les are stored for a site.
Next you’ll take a quick look at some of the other options in the Site Setup window.