Web Design with HTML and CSS

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Web languages

Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom

Web languages

In this lesson you will discover two languages: HTML and CSS. Although they have diff erent
syntax and rules, they are highly dependent on each other. By the end of this lesson, you will
understand how to create simple HTML pages, add images, create hyperlinks from one page
to another, and add simple styling to pages using CSS.
This lesson covers a lot of ground, and many of the core principles introduced in this lesson
are reinforced throughout the remaining chapters.

Web page structure is based on HTML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents use the .html or .htm extension. This
extension allows a web browser or device such as a smartphone to understand that HTML
content is on the page, and the content of the page is then rendered by the browser or device
according to the rules of HTML.
Markup tags are used to defi ne the content on an HTML page. Markup tags are contained
between greater than (<) and less than (>) symbols, and they are placed at the start and end
of an object or text that is used in an HTML page. Here is an example of two heading 1 tags
for text. The tags are not seen by the viewer of the web page, but every web browser knows
that the text between the tags is a heading 1.
<h1>New Smoothie Recipe!</h1>
In this example, the <h1> is the opening tag and the </h1> is the closing tag. So this entire
line of code is an element. More specifi cally, it is referred to as the heading 1 element.
HTML and XHTML are closely related. There is a list of rules defi ned by the World Wide
Web Consortium, or W3C that specify the perimeters of HTML and XHTML.
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