Growing Elite Marijuana

(Ron) #1

line the walls.
Silvered gift wrap comes in rolls or
sheets. it is composed of a thin metal foil
glued onto paper wrap. It is very reflective,
easy to use and inexpensive. It is available
from some wholesale gift paper houses or
from gift shops.
Styrofoam is used in cool spaces where
heat must be conserved. The walls can be
lined with styrofoam insulating material
which comes on a roll or in sheets.
(available in some home improvement
stores). It is extremely reflective. The rolls
come in several widths, and is about 1/8"
Mylar. Grow stores sell silvered mylar
which is extremely reflective. While mylar
reflects most of the light; it is not opaque
and it allows a dim image through. The
plastic film creases easily.
Astrolon is a silvered plastic which is
extremely reflective, but not opaque. The
thin plastic is quilted and very pliable It is
very durable and very reflective.

Step by Step

  1. Successful closet cultivators know that
    light should be distributed evenly
    throughout the grow space. Light
    movers or several lights may be

  2. Smart growers line the walls of the
    growing area with a reflective surface
    to conserve light.

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