Growing Elite Marijuana

(Ron) #1

Chapter 18


Before a seed is planted or a cutting
transferred to the new garden, successful
growers make sure the space is ready. All
lights, timers, water and ventilation systems
should be working. The space should be
lined with reflective material so that all light
is directed to the growing area. Units in
which water is transported are thoroughly
tested and adjusted so that there is no
flooding and so the pumps work when they
are supposed to.

The Medium

Ingredients are mixed in buckets or a
large tray. Larger amounts are more easily
mixed using a cement mixer or a shovel in
a large space. The mix is added to the
container to a level ¾-1 inch below the top.
After adding the mix, the container is
watered again so that the mix settles.
Substrates are placed in position and
thoroughly watered.

CAUTION: Planting medium dust is
harmful to breathe.
Intelligent growers have
been known to moisten
all the ingredients of with
a watering can or hose
before mixing. This
prevents dust from
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