C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide (3rd Edition)

(Romina) #1

#include <stdio.h>


int ctr; // Loop counter
int idSearch; // Customer to look for (the key)
int found = 0; // 1 (true) if customer is found

/ Defines the 10 elements in each of the parallel arrays /
int custID[10] = {313, 453, 502, 101, 892,
475, 792, 912, 343, 633};
float custBal[10] = { 0.00, 45.43, 71.23, 301.56, 9.08,
192.41, 389.00, 229.67, 18.31, 59.54};
int tempID, inner, outer, didSwap, i; // For sorting
float tempBal;

// First, sort the arrays by customer ID */
for (outer = 0; outer < 9; outer++)
didSwap = 0; // Becomes 1 (true) if list is not yet ordered
for (inner = outer; inner < 10; inner++)
if (custID[inner] < custID[outer])
tempID = custID[inner]; // Must switch both arrays
tempBal = custBal[inner]; // or they are no longer
// linked
custID[inner] = custID[outer];
custBal[inner] = custBal[outer];
custID[outer] = tempID;
custBal[outer] = tempBal;
didSwap = 1; // True because a swap took place
if (didSwap == 0)

/ Interact with the user looking to find a balance /
printf("\n\n Customer Balance Lookup \n");
printf("What is the customer number? ");
scanf(" %d", &idSearch);

// Now, look for the ID in the array
for (ctr=0; ctr<10; ctr++)
if (idSearch == custID[ctr]) // Do they match?
found = 1; //Yes, match flag is set to TRUE
break; //No need to keep looping
if (custID[ctr] > idSearch) // No need to keep searching

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