C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide (3rd Edition)

(Romina) #1

float pPrice;
char code;

price = 17.50;
pPrice = &price;

printf("\nHow many kids are you taking to the water park? ");
scanf(" %d", &kids);

pKids = &kids;

printf("\nDo you have a discount ticket for the park?");
printf("\nEnter E for Employee Discount, S for Sav-More ");
printf("Discount, or N for No Discount: ");
scanf(" %c", &code);

pCode = &code;

printf("\nFirst let's do it with the variables:\n");
printf("You've got %d kids...\n", kids);
switch (code) {
case ('E') :
printf("The employee discount saves you 25%% on the ");
printf("$%.2f price", price);
printf("\nTotal ticket cost: $%.2f", (price.75kids));
case ('S') :
printf("The Sav-more discount saves you 15%% on the ");
printf("$%.2f price", price);
printf("\nTotal ticket cost: $%.2f", (price.85kids));
default : // Either entered N for No Discount or
// an invalid letter
printf("You will be paying full price of ");
printf("$%.2f for your tickets", price);
// Now repeat the same code, but use dereferenced
// pointers and get the same results
printf("\n\n\nNow let's do it with the pointers:\n");
printf("You've got %d kids...\n", pKids);
switch (
pCode) {
case ('E') :
printf("The employee discount saves you 25%% on the ");
printf("$%.2f price", pPrice);
printf("\nTotal ticket cost: $%.2f",
pPrice .75 pKids));
case ('S') :
printf("The Sav-more discount saves you 15%% on the ");
printf("$%.2f price",
printf("\nTotal ticket cost $%.2f",
(pPrice .85 pKids));
default : // Either entered N for No Discount or
// an invalid letter
printf("You will be paying full price of ");
printf("$%.2f for your tickets", *pPrice);

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