C Programming Absolute Beginner's Guide (3rd Edition)

(Romina) #1

struct bookInfo * books[3]; // Array of three structure variables

// Get the information about each book from the user

for (ctr = 0; ctr < 3; ctr++)
books[ctr] = (struct bookInfo*)malloc(sizeof
(struct bookInfo));
printf("What is the name of the book #%d?\n", (ctr+1));
puts("Who is the author? ");
puts("How much did the book cost? ");
scanf(" $%f", &books[ctr]->price);
puts("How many pages in the book? ");
scanf(" %d", &books[ctr]->pages);
getchar(); //Clears newline input to keep things clean for
// next round

// Print a header line and then loop through and print the info

printf("\n\nHere is the collection of books: \n");
for (ctr = 0; ctr < 3; ctr++)
printf("#%d: %s by %s", (ctr+1), books[ctr]->title,
printf("\nIt is %d pages and costs $%.2f", books[ctr]->pages,

The Absolute Minimum
This chapter’s goal was to teach you about structures. A structure is an aggregate
variable data type. Whereas an array must hold values that are all the same data type, a
structure can hold several values of different data types.
Before using a structure variable, you must tell C exactly what the structure looks like
with a struct statement. The struct statement lets C know how many members
are in the structure and the data types of each member. A structure variable is like a
group of more than one variable of different data types. Key concepts in this chapter

  • Define structures when you want to group items of different data types.

  • Declare a structure before defining a structure variable.

  • Use the dot operator to access individual data members within a structure variable.

  • Use the -> (the structure pointer operator) to access individual data members
    within a structure pointed to by a pointer variable.

  • Don’t use member names as variables. Member names exist only so you can work
    with an individual part of a structure.

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