Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1


Haidakhan Samaj (est. 1980) See BABAJI.

The monkey god Hanuman is one of the most
universally worshipped divinities of the Hindu
pantheon. He is the son of Anjana, an APSARAS
(nymph) who was herself born as a monkey, and
VAY U, the god of the wind. In the RAMAYANA story,
Hanuman is a friend to Lord RAMA, the incarna-
tion of VISHNU. He is equally worshipped by Vaish-
navites (worshippers of VISHNU) and Shaivites
(worshippers of SHIVA).
It is said that Hanuman as a child saw the Sun,
thought it was a fruit, and leaped up 300 leagues
to catch it. BRAHMA once gave him the boon that
he would not be slain in battle.
In the Ramayana, Hanuman flies over to the
island of LANKA to see whether Rama’s wife, SITA, is
there. He finds her, but she dissuades him from tak-
ing her back lest he besmirch Rama’s reputation. In
a scene famous in Indian mythology, he is captured
on Lanka by the demons (rakshasas). They march
him through the streets to his execution, humiliat-
ing him by tying an oil-soaked cloth to his tail and
lighting it. Furious, he jumps from building to
building and sets the capital city on fire.

Hanuman fought bravely in the battle against
the demons; he is remembered for going off to
find herbs to revive LAKSHMANA, Rama’s slain
brother. Not knowing which herbs to collect
he took a whole mountain of them; from them
medicine was found that restored Lakshmana to
life. Hanuman follows Rama back to AYODHYA to
serve him; the god gives him the boon of everlast-
ing youth and longevity. Hanuman is seen as the
foremost of the devotees of Rama.
Hanuman is also found in one passage of the
MAHABHARATA, where he meets BHIMA, another son
of his father, Vayu. Bhima, known for his power,
fights with Hanuman and is defeated. Only after-
ward do they realize they are half brothers.
Hanuman is known for his superhuman pow-
ers, his celibacy (though in some parts of India he
is seen as married), his ability to expand and con-
tract himself, and his learning, including grammar
and the Vedic sciences. He is often regarded as
a village protector and is the special divinity of
wrestlers and acrobats.
Iconographically Hanuman is usually depicted
with only two hands, carrying a club, but other
images give him eight hands that hold several
weapons and a shield, for fighting in the war
against the demons. In one hand he holds the


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