Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1


In the BRAHMANAS, the explanatory portions of
the ancient VEDAS, nachiketas was a special kind
of fire. The word later became personalized as a
character in the KAT H A UPANISHAD. There, Nachik-
etas was a boy banished by his father’s curse to
the underworld. He arrived at the house of YAMA,
the god of death, but was not greeted as a proper
guest. When Yama returned, he offered Nachik-
etas three boons because he had neglected him.
Nachiketas asked to return to his father, to be
restored to life, and to learn the secret of death—
or rather deathlessness. Yama tried to dissuade
Nachiketas from the third request, but the wise
young man persisted. Yama then gave him a teach-
ing on the nature of the BRAHMAN, the ultimate real-
ity, and the nature of the Self, or universal soul.

Further reading: Eknath Easwaran, Dialogue with
Death: A Journey into Consciousness, 2d ed. (Tomales,
Calif.: Nilgiri Press, 1992); Mysore Sivaram, Death and
Nachiketas (New Delhi: Vikas, 1981).

In certain YOGA systems, a nadi is a subtle bodily
channel used to redirect PRANA (the life force

found within the breath). The goals are to alter
consciousness, strengthen the body, and help
bring about the transformation needed for libera-
tion from the cycle of births.
In HATHA YOGA, prana is forced through these
channels to aid in raising the KUNDALINI at the
base of the spine. The most commonly known
nadi is the sushumna nadi, which travels up the
spinal cord. The ida and pingala nadis are depicted
as widely rippling waves that intersect at each
CHAKRA (psychic center), exactly mirroring each
other as they ascend around sushumna.

Further reading: Swami Sivananda Radha, Hatha Yoga,
the Hidden Language: Symbols, Secrets and Metaphor
(Boston: Shambala, 1989); Pancham Sinh, trans., The
Hatha Yoga Pradipika (New Delhi: Munshiram Mano-
harlal, 1975).

The Nagapanchami snake-worshipping festival
takes place on the fifth day of the lunar month of
Shravana (July–August). The worship focuses on
the cobra, to thank the snake for its auspicious
presence and to palliate the serpent world so that it
will not bite. The mythical and mysterious power


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