Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Darren Dugan) #1

saints were from every class and trade, from Brah-
min (Sundarar and Sambanthar) to Dalit (untouch-
ables) (Tirunalaipovanar, alias Nantanar).

Further reading: Vidya Dehejia, Slaves of the Lord:
The Path of the Tamil Saints (New Delhi: Munshiram
Manoharlal, 1988); Indira Viswanthan Peterson, Poems
to Siva: The Hymns of the Tamil Saints (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1989); Kamil V. Zvelibil,
Tamil Literature (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975).

Neem Karoli Baba (c. 1900–1973) bhakti
yoga teacher
Neem Karoli Baba, popularly known as Maha-
raji, is one of the most influential GURUS from
India to encounter the West. Although he never
visited America or wrote any books, he graced
the lives of many devotees during the 1960s and
1970s. Baba RAM DASS was particularly inspired
by Maharaji and Ram Dass’s works were among
the first to introduce Eastern wisdom on a large
scale to the West, particularly through portrayals
of experiences with Neem Karoli.

Neem Karoli was born Lakshmi Narayan
Sharma to a BRAHMIN family in Akbarpur in
Uttar Pradesh, India. In his childhood he was
described as detached from desires of the mate-
rial world. When he was 11 his family arranged
a marriage with a girl from another Brahmin
family. After the wedding, the groom left home
and wandered the country as an ascetic for sev-
eral years. His father, Sri Durga Prasad Sharma,
eventually found him in the village of Neem
Karoli (hence his name) and demanded that his
son return home. The young man complied and
spent the remainder of his life in dual roles as
householder and saint.
Neem Karoli always considered the world as
his larger family and stated that the key to attain-
ing salvation is to love all, serve all, and feed all.
Devotees who were close to him describe the GURU
as one who radiated love. He based his teachings
on a form of BHAKTI YOGA, emphasizing service and
unconditional devotion to God. His techniques
have been described as both subtle and literal,
and his teachings varied from individual to indi-
vidual. His advice was determined by the needs of
the student, even though he always asserted that
one’s focus in life should be toward the welfare of
Neem Karoli established two ashrams, at
Kainchi in Uttachal and at BRINDAVAN in Uttar
Pradesh. Over 100 temples have also been
founded in his name. American devotees, includ-
ing Ram Dass, gathered together in 1977 to form
a common place of worship in honor of Neem
Karoli. The group proposed the construction
of a statue representing HANUMAN, a deity most
revered by Neem Karoli. The statue was com-
missioned in India and completed in 1978. It
found its permanent home in Taos, New Mexico.
Devotees formed the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram
around the Hanuman figure and have since held
annual celebrations in September, marking the
mahasamadhi (death) of Neem Karoli Baba on
September 11, 1973.

Neem Karoli Baba (c. 1900–1973), teacher known for
his dedication to devotion and service; guru of Baba
Ram Dass (Kashi Church, Sebastian, Florida)

K 310 Neem Karoli Baba

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